Asian American Playwrights Head Up 40th Humana Festival

Cardboard Piano
by Hansol Jung
directed by Leigh Silverman

On the eve of the millennium in Northern Uganda, the daughter of an American missionary and a local teenage girl steal into a candlelit church to exchange vows in a secret wedding ceremony. But when an escalating civil war encroaches on their fragile union, they cannot escape its reach. Confronting the cost of intolerance, this powerful drama examines violence and the struggle to rebuild in its wake, as well as the human capacity for love and forgiveness.

Wondrous Strange
by Martyna Majok, Meg Miroshnik, Jiehae Park, and Jen Silverman
directed by Marti Lyons
performed by the 2015-2016 Acting Apprentice Company
commissioned by Actors Theatre of Louisville

What haunts us? What traces will we in turn leave behind? Writing for this season’s Acting Apprentice Company, four imaginative playwrights use Kentucky’s rich ghost lore as the springboard for a wide-ranging exploration of the supernatural and uncanny, and what our stories about ghosts—chilling, poignant, or unexpectedly funny—reveal about us.


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