CAATA Launches Indiegogo Campaign for 5th ConFest

CAATA IndiegogoIn 2006 the BIG BANG Conference in Los Angeles launched a national Asian American theater movement.  The Consortium of Asian American Theaters & Artists (CAATA) was born and has staged national gatherings in New York (2007 & 2009), Minneapolis (2008), Los Angeles (2011) and Philadelphia (2014).

Preparations are currently underway for the next convening, the 5th National Asian American Theater Conference and Festival, which will take place at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in October.CAATA is a volunteer-driven organization that exists to support the vibrant, growing and changing field of Asian American Theater across the country and the globe. As a member of this community CAATA is asking for your support to keep this movement going. Donate to CAATA’s Indiegogo campaign and help bring the next National Asian American Theater Conference and Festival to life.

DONATIONS ARE TAX-DEDUCTIBLE and come with rewards at every level. There are only THREE WEEKS TO REACH THE FUNDRAISING GOAL of $7,000. Please view/share the Indiegogo page here:


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