2015 ABC Talent Showcase Asian American talent has been discovered through this in the past; and after this …
Phillipa Soo, linked from The Muse. http://themuse.jezebel.com/talking-with-phillipa-soo-lead-in-hamilton-soon-to-be-1706046434
East West Players (EWP), the nation’s longest-running professional theatre of color in the country, celebrating its 50th Anniversary …
Just linking here from The Boston Globe… http://www.bostonglobe.com/arts/theater-art/2015/05/21/his-boston-debut-double-feature-from-playwright-pamatmat/08Wqz4I4oBhydsr9ypwzpO/story.html#
Twisted Pidgin Comedy at Kumu Kahua Theatre WHAT: Echoes of Dat Red Guitar by Lee Tonouchi WHERE: Kumu Kahua Theatre, …