Wesleyan University Seeks Lighting Design Professor
The Wesleyan University Theater Department has a position opening posted as of 1/7/20 for an Professor of the Practice in Lighting Design.
As part of their priority initiative to recruit talented and experienced professionals, this announcement should be spread throughout the theatre community. They are committed to creating a diverse and vibrant department. As a self-identified POC Designer or Theater Technician, we would especially like your help to make sure this search posting reaches this specific audience of professionals.
Here is a link to the posting: https://careers.wesleyan.edu/postings/7191
Any questions about the position or the department should be directed to the chair of the search: Professor & Department Chair, Ronald Jenkins rjenkins@wesleyan.edu
Please contact Dawn Alger with any questions about the application submission and search process.
Dawn Alger, Administrative Assistant
Theater Department, Wesleyan University
275 Washington Terrace, Middletown, CT 06457
T: 860.685.2961 F: 860.685.2591
dalger@wesleyan.edu || www.wesleyan.edu/theater