THE Cambodian Rock Band CHALLENGE!!

The Cambodian Rock Band Challenge

Cambodian Rock Band ChallengeOriginally was set to launch May 31, with a series of cover songs from the show to celebrate the gifts of the Asian American theater community and others involved in the show.  It is  now re-envisioned the CRB Challenge as a fundraiser to support the Khmer community that has been a huge part of this show, as well as fight systemic racism and anti-Blackness.

When is it?
The challenge runs Sunday July 5 to Saturday July 11.
What is it supporting?
The fundraiser will equally benefit: United Cambodian Community of Long Beach’s Cambodia Town Business Relief Fund, Black Girls Code (chosen by Dengue Fever), Mekong NYC, and the Movement for Black Lives (chosen by Mekong NYC).
To learn more, go here:

Where can I watch?

Each day, new videos will be posted on and (You can also search for content using #CRBChallenge on Facebook and Instagram.)
What other content is there?
Next Monday-Saturday at 8pm ET/5pm PT, I’ll be doing what I call CRB TV, a Facebook Live conversation with performers and others associated with the show at
How can I help?
Tell your folks. Enjoy some videos. DonateMake your own cover video. (I’m totally serious about that one! For those who are not fluent in Khmer: you can stick to English, Dengue Fever has many good English language songs to choose from!)

Can You Meet the Cambodian Rock Band Challenge??


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