Asian Canadians Take Jessie Awards in Vancouver BC

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Asian Canadians Showcased in 2018 Jessie Awards

Vancouver, BC –  Returning to its theatrical roots this year, the 36th annual Jessie Richardson Theatre Awards were held on Monday, July 16th at Bard on the Beach in the BMO Mainstage in Vanier Park, a fitting venue in a magnificent setting. The awards celebrate excellence in professional theatre and salutes all the talent who contribute to  Vancouver’s fantastic theatre scene. Thirty-five companies registered over 57 productions this past year contributing to a dynamic theatre season.

Asian Canadian winners include

  • Jovanni Sy, for Outstanding Original Script for his play Nine Dragons produced by Vertigo Theatre, Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre and Gateway Theatre,
  • Rohit Chokhani was awarded the Vancouver Now Representation and Inclusion Award for encouraging the inclusion of Indigenous and diverse voices in theatre and dance, and continuing to create works of theatre that communicate South Asian perspectives to a wider audience.
  • Significant Artistic Achievement – Small Theatre
    Tetsuro Shigematsu, Jamie Nesbitt & Susan Miyagishima – 1 Hour Photo – Vancouver Asian Canadian Theatre – Outstanding technical design and execution for the purpose of historical storytelling.

Complete press release here.



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