Silk Road Theatre Project (Chicago, IL)
Merchant On Venice
by Shishir Kurup
January 7, 2007
To kick off the New Year please join Silk Road Theatre Project on
January 7th for a free staged reading of Shishir Kurup's (you may know
him from the TV show Heroes) adaptation of Shakespeare's Merchant on Venice,.
Here is the official blurb...
In Shishir Kurup 's Merchant on Venice, Venice , Italy intersects with the Indian Diaspora of Venice Beach, California in a wickedly funny, wildly inventive and politically provocative re-imagining of Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice.
Written in iambic pentameter and vividly colored by Indian, American and Latino pop references, playwright Shishir Kurup transforms Shakespeare's original by injecting the story with Bollywood musical numbers, L.A. Punk, Hindu-Muslim tensions, and a distinctly American landscape.
And the location....
The reading will take place in our space in the lower level of the Chicago Temple at the corner of Washington and Clark at at The Historic Chicago Temple Building -- specifically, 77 West Washington Street, Pierce Hall, 1 pm.
Stir-Friday Night (Chicago, IL)
The Caste and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
Chicago SketchFest
January 13, 2007
The Substitute Man
by Shetal Shah and David Harper
January 15, 2007 at 7PM
Celebration of MLK Jr. Day with a reading of a new screenplay by Shetal Shah and David Harper.
What is success? When do we know we've got it? What if we're wrong? Josh is the "it" guy at his ad agency. He's got one last account before his dreams come true - including his dream for him and Nia. Nia's not so sure. Especially when David, through a twist of fate and a nudge from Josh, flips the script on happily ever after...for all of them.
NAATAK (Bay Area, CA)
presents its twenty fifth production
Anthony Shaffer's
Adapted and Directed by Harish Sunderam Agastya
Produced by Soumya Agastya
January 19 to 21, 2007
Sleuth is an Indianized adaptation of the play by Anthony Shaffer, one of the greatest ever thrillers performed on stage. It was also adapted into a Oscar-nominated movie starring Michael Caine and Lawrence Olivier. Sleuth is directed by Harish S. Agastya and features Harish Agastya, Ashish Joshi and Kal Pandya in the cast.
This is the last week to get your tickets for this action-packed production. Don't miss out on this one for sure and please don't reveal the suspense to your friends until they've had a chance to check it out too.
8:30 pm, Friday, Jan 19
7 pm, Saturday, Jan 20
5 pm, Sunday, Jan 21
West Valley College Theater
14000 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA 95070
$12 (per ticket, for groups of four)
BUY ONLINE at http://www.naatak.com (ticketing by Sulekha)
SEND EMAIL to tickets@naatak.com
CALL 650 804 1066
Children under eight will not be admitted.
For more information about NAATAK, contact info@naatak.com
Stay in touch with NAATAK activities - Join our mailing list at http://www.naatak.com
Bindlestiff Studio is proud to present
The Bakla Show
January 18 to 27, 2007
Bindlestiff Studio is proud to present the first ever BAKLA SHOW!
The bakla or gay male in the Philippines is mostly stereotyped and ridiculed as the campy effeminate cross dresser or hairdresser. Bindlestiff's production takes a more inclusive view by bringing the voices of lesbian, gay, bisexual, downe and transgender artists to the forefront. Filled with poignant, provocative and hilarious stories, the Bakla Show challenges preconceived notions of what it means to be Filipina/o, American and queer. Vignettes include a Filipino style debut that takes on a new meaning of "coming out" to a futuristic story about a robotic mail order husband who isn't quite what he seems. Join Bindlestiff Studio as we celebrate the struggles, joys and love of being bakla.
SHOW TIMES AND DATES: January 18-20 and 25-27 Doors open at 7:30PM, show begins at 8PM
WHERE: Bindlestiff Studio, 505 Natoma St. at 6th, San Francisco $10 -15 sliding scale at the door, $15 on brownpapertickets.com
RESERVATIONS: Please call (415) 255-0440 to make a reservation or to volunteer.
Tickets can also be purchased online at http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/9520
Kumu Kahua Theatre (Honolulu, HI)
Haditha Walmartt Killing Machine
January 19 to 27, 2007
See News story.
First Stage Theatre (Los Angeles, CA)
by Felix Racelis
January 19 to 27, 2007
This is the riotous tale of a young doctoral student and the call girl he hires (whose specialty is 17th century French lit).
DATES: Fri. and Sat., Jan. 19, 20, 26 & 27
PLACE: FirstStage Theatre, 6817 Franklin Ave. at Highland (United Methodist Church)
COST: $10
Ph: Reservations: (323) 850-6271 or email: info@firststagela.org
Mu Performing Arts (Minneapolis, MN)
New Performance Program
Phase 1 Presentation
January 20 and 27, 2007
2 - 6 pm
Mu Performing Arts Studio
2700 NE Winter St. (in the studio space)
Minneapolis, MN 55413
See News story.
Rasikarts (Toronto, Canada)
a reading of
The Palace
by Bobby Zaman
January 23, 2007
Roundtables are informal gatherings where we sit around a table, read a play together, and then discuss it. Anyone can read. Scripts are provided and there is no admission charge. All are welcome, whether you want to read out loud or follow along silently. Become familiar with the work of South Asian playwrights and meet new people! We start at 7pm in the backroom of the 5th Elementt, 1033 Bay St. (4 streets South of Bloor), but I'll there by 6:30. On Tuesday, Jan 23, we're reading:
January 23 The Palace by Bobby Zaman
THE PALACE is a slice of 24hours in the life of a rundown Indian restaurant owned by Malik Hassan in a seedy part of Chicago. The play encompasses an ensemble of characters frequenting The Palace, focusing on the need to recognize who you are and the necessity of moving on.
BOBBY ZAMAN is a graduate of the University of Illinois at Chicago with degrees in English Literature/Writing & Theatre. He has been working as a playwright, actor, director, and producer in the theatre community for 12 years. He is a company member with Keyhole Theatre Company, Rasaka Theatre Company, and has worked with some of the leading companies in Chicago. He is currently at work on a trilogy of plays.
fu-GEN Asian Canadian Theatre Company (Toronto, Canada)
in Association with Factory Theatre and Hastings Park Foundation
by Catherine Hernandez
January 6 to 28, 2007
Karen Ancheta
Leon Aureus
Rose Cortez
Nadine Villasin
David Yee
Directed by: Nina Lee Aquino
Music Composition and Sound Design by: Romeo Candido
Costumes Designed by: Jackie Chau
Set Designed by: Camellia Koo
Choreographed by: Clare Preuss
Lighting Design by: Arun Srinivansan
Stage Managed by: Dale Yim
January 6 28, 2007
At the Factory Studio Theatre
125 Bathurst Street (at Adelaide)
Tuesday Saturday 8:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday 2:30 pm
Tickets: $12 30.50, PWYC Sundays
For tickets call 416.504.9971 or Online at www.fu-gen.org or www.factorytheatre.ca
Asian Arts Initiative (Philadelphia, PA)
Artist and Performance in Action (APIA) Resident
Alison Roh Park
A Magpie Sang on the 7-Train
January 27 and 28, 2007

Friday, January 26, 8 p.m. with Q & A
Saturday, January 27, 8 p.m. followed by Reception
$10 admission, $5 for members
Asian Arts Initiative, 1315 Cherry St, 2nd Fl, Philadelphia, PA 19107
A Magpie Sang on the 7-Train is a debut of new and existing work by Alison Roh Park, directed by Julia Lopez. Roh Park dismantles the fourth wall in this performance, using a distinct combination of spoken word, song, and other artistic disciplines. Magpie captures the poignant experiences we share in our family lives, intimate relationships, and day-to-day life, and is an honest reminder of how gender, race, and class play a role in these experiences. Roh Park’s work celebrates the stories of those who came before her, and pays tribute to the struggle of negotiating different identities and feeling far from home. Magpie incorporates work developed as part of two APIA residency-based workshops exploring these issues.
The Asian Arts Initiative's APIA (Artists and Performance in Action) Residency program supports artists in the development of new performance and interdisciplinary work exploring community issues and concerns.
For more info: (215) 557-0455, www.asianartsinitiative.org
Filipino Community Center (Seattle, WA)
ˆ a Lorcan tale
By San Francisco Playwright
Jeannie Barroga
With incidental music by Joey Ayala
A 1950s adaptation of Federico Lorca's Blood Wedding
(based on a true story from the 1930s)
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Filipino Community Center
5740 Martin Luther King Way. So.
Seattle, WA
Directed by: Maria Batayola
Seasoned Filipino Talents of: Stan Asis, Tony Colinares, Eloisa Cardona, Jose Abaoag, Roger Rigor, Mona Leach Grife, Ciana & Nancy Calos-Nakano
For information: 206-795-0833
Desipina (New York, NY)
5 Year Gala
January 31, 2007!
JANUARY 31, 2007
Lodestone Theatre Ensemble (San Francisco, CA)
A workshop production of the classic comedy
by William Shakespeare
directed by Ryun Yu
produced by Helen Ota
February 2 to 4, 2007
co-producer: Nicole Cherry
stage managed by Vincent Gabucan
featuring Melody Butiu, Marc Casabani, Johnny Giacomo, Elizabeth Ho, Mueen Jahan, Eric Johnson, Derek Kadota, Archie Kao, Elaine Kao, Michael Kuya, Jeff Liu, Helen Ota, Charles Wang, Greg Watanabe & Joshua Wolf Coleman
FRI 2/2 and SAT 2/3, 8pm
SUN 2/4, 3pm.
1111-B West Olive St.
Burbank, CA 91506
(inside George Izay Park, just west of S. Victory Blvd.)
FREE PARKING: Park near the jet plane in front of George Izay Park at 1111 W. Olive. St. Walk into the park, past Olive Recreation Center. GTC Burbank is behind the Rec. Center, facing the softball fields.
NO RSVPS required, however, please arrive at least ten minutes before curtain for seating (which is limited and on a first-come basis).
Kumu Kahua Theatre (Honolulu, HI)
Aging is not for Sissies...!
by Pratibha Eastwood
February 4, 2007
See News story
The Silk Road Unveiled
The Professional
Theatre-in-Residence at
The Historic Chicago Temple
February 8, 2007 - 5:30pm - 8:00pm
Silk Road Theatre Project at The Historic Chicago Temple Building
77 W. Washington St., Pierce Hall, Chicago
Witness the unveiling of a stunning new mural entitled The Silk Road, painted exclusively for Silk Road Theatre Project by China's world renowned Zhou Brothers. The unveiling of The Silk Road promises to be a high point in the 2007 Chicago art calendar! Enjoy a festive evening of Silk Road inspired beverages and appetizers and be the first to marvel at this important new work of art.
Tickets: $100.00
All proceeds will support Silk Road Theatre Project, a not-for-profit theatre company dedicated to showcasing playwrights of Asian, Middle Eastern, and Mediterranean backgrounds.
Or call the Box Office at 312-857-1234 ext. 201 and ask for Johanna.
Centertheatre Group (Los Angeles, CA)
by Jessica Hagedorn
January 11 to February 14, 2007
1982 Manila
20 Actors, 40 Roles
And a River of Dreams
A tragi-comic look at the Philippines during the reign of Marcos, and the conflicts experienced by Asian immigrants caught between cultures.
Brought to life through a diversity of characters including a soft-porn movie star, a Jesuit priest, a Filipino-American Californian, a hustler and deejay, a movie usherette and Imelda Marcos herself, the world of Dogeaters is beautiful, lush, and always volatile a wondrous bundle of contradictions where mundane reality, the supernatural, the spiritual and the carnal collide and coexist.
History Theatre (Minneapolis, MN)
100 Men's Wife
by Jeany Park
January 20 to February 10, 2007
1894. In desperation, a 14 year-old Chinese girl, Liang May Seen, risks her life in making a daring escape from a San Francisco brothel. Bruised, beaten and exhausted, she is taken in to the home of a social worker who sets her on the road to faith, marriage and Minnesota. During her journey, she looks to her faith to find courage to deal with the shame and horror of her past. In the end, she becomes one of the most influential leaders in Minneapolis' Westminster Presbyterian Church. Her story is a tribute to the human spirit!
TF Productions (Vancouver, BC)
Twisting Fortunes
by Charlie Cho and Grace Chin
February 6 to 9, 2007
Reminiscent of the Richard Linklater film Before Sunrise, Ray Chow and Jessy Leung exchange coffee, tea and repartee against a video and photo montage of familiar Vancouver venues in TF's intimate look at personal, sexual and racial politics on the multicultural Left Coast. A radio reporter and simultaneous non-dater, Ray is tired of the game. An aspiring actor and serial monogamist, Jessy still hasn't found what she's looking for. They both want out - or do they want in?
Asian Arts Initiative (Philadelphia, PA)...
Guns and Tampons: A History of Violence Against Women I Know
Hanalei Ramos
Friday, February 9, 8:30 p.m.
$10 admission, $5 for members
Asian Arts Initiative, 1315 Cherry St, 2nd Fl, Philadelphia, PA 19107
Guns and Tampons: A History of Violence Against Women I Know is the debut of new work by spoken word artist and writer, Hanalei Ramos. In her first multi-media solo show, Hanalei has created one act plays based on the experiences of three women who are victims and survivors of domestic violence. By staging portraits of some of the most intimate moments in a woman's life, Guns and Tampons challenges our working definition of womanhood and examines how it is warped by cultural expectations, societal conditioning, and subtle forms of violence. Ultimately, the patchwork testimony of several individuals becomes the story of all women, and a compelling glimpse into a world of survival and strength.
Hanalei Ramos is co-founder of the 101Project artists collective. She has toured around the nation to various college and university campuses as a spoken word artist, and has also been seen as a performer and panelist at Girlfest Honolulu, NAASCON, ECAASU, and the March for Women's Lives. In the last two years, she has been working heavily with various women's organizations in the Jersey City/New York City area. Most recently, she has authored Letters to Martha, a personal testimony to her first-hand experience with domestic violence and Foiled Stars, a collection of poems and prosetry. Hanalei lives in her native Jersey City, NJ.
Kumu Kahua Theatre (Honolulu, HI)
Living Pidgin
Lee Tonouchi
January 11 to February 11, 2007
Extended to February 18
Living Pidgin is a showcase collection of short plays by Lee Tonouchi, the author of Da Kine Dictionary and the short-story collection Da Word. Each of these short plays displays Tonouchi’s facility with Pidgin, his unique sense of humor, and his love of life in the islands. Come see why he’s called “Da Pidgin Guerilla.”

See News story.
CATS (San Jose, CA)
Lodestone Theatre Ensemble
18 Mighty Mountain Warriors
Cold Tofu
February 9 to 18, 2007
Asian American Theater Company (AATC) and the Contemporary Asian Theater Scene (CATS) present
"Invading Your Box 24/7"
February 9-18, 2007
Friday & Saturday @ 7PM & 10PM, Sunday @ 2PM
Theatre on San Pedro Square
29 North San Pedro Street
San Jose, CA 95110
See News story.
EndTimes Productions (New York City)
Over the Asian Airwaves
By Lauren D. Yee
Directed by James E. Duff
February 9 to 16, 2007
In the heyday of old-time radio, a young, idealistic Asian-American woman and her motley crew prepares for the biggest broadcast of their lives. A fast-paced 1940s farce.
Presented as part of Vignettes for the Apocalypse, EndTimes Productions’ First Annual One Act Festival.
Jessica Ko
Philip Buiser
Richard Hsu
Julee Cerda
John Wu
Katie Dietz
Friday, Feb 9 at 7:30pm
Saturday, Feb 10 at 2:00pm
Sunday, Feb 11 at 7:30pm
Friday, Feb 16 at 9:30pm
Roy Arias Studio
300 West 43rd Street, 5th Floor
New York, New York
$18 door
$15 w/ student ID
$15 w/ advance registration via e-mail (contact EndTimesReservations@hotmail.com)
More info available at: http://myspace.com/endtimesproductions
Cold Tofu (Southern California)
February 17, 2007
@ 7:30 pm Maryknoll Center in Little Tokyo, featuring the performing cast of Cold Tofu.
Admission is only $5 and there is free parking located on the street and on the property.
Call (213) 739-4142 or coldtofu@hotmail.com for details.
Maryknoll Japanese Catholic Center Auditorium
222 S. Hewitt St., Los Angeles, CA 90012
(Located east of Alameda, between 2nd & 3rd Streets)
SALAAM (New York, NY)
The President is Coming
by Anuvab Pal
Monday, February 19, 2007
at 7PM
The truth: In 2006, President Bush made a visit to India, the first official visit of a US head of state to the country in a long time. One of his main goals was to meet some of the young faces responsible for shaping "the new India"
The play: In a dog-eat-dog world of constant competitions, reality television and short-lived fame, this comedy explores a day in the life of six ambitious young Indians who will stop at nothing because THE PRESIDENT IS COMING.
The Prize: A handshake.
Shunya (Houston, TX)
Naga-Mandala: Play with a Cobra
February 9 to 21, 2007
This year, Shunya and Stages Repertory Theatre have partnered to bring Houston a unique theatrical experience. Over the past few months, the two companies have been working together to create a South Asian Surround for 2007. Shunya will kick things off with Girish Karnad's Naga Mandala: Play with a Cobra. Stages will follow this with the U.S. premiere of Bapsi Sidhwa's American Brat. Sidhwa, a local Houstonian, is famous for writing the novel Cracking India that would later become Deepa Mehta's film Earth. These two plays will be "surrounded" by other events including Zaraawar Mistry's solo performance of Indian Cowboy and various film screenings. We invite you to partake in all of these events. Together we will bring Houston audiences one glimpse closer to the South Asian experience.
Rasik Arts (Toronto, Canada)
Zen Katha
by Partap Sharma
February 20, 2007
Meet on Tuesday, February 20, for this month's Roundtable in the backroom of the 5th Elementt, 1033 Bay St. (4 streets South of Bloor). Gita Ramchandani will be hosting the procedings as we read Zen Katha by Partap Sharma, starting at 7pm. Brave the cold, and be enlightened!
ZEN KATHA tells the story of Prince Bodhidarma of Kanchipuram in the fifth century who became a monk and traveled to China. He became not only the Founding Patriarch of Zen but also the first peaceful fighting monk. As Chief Abbot of the Monastery of Shaolin, he initiated the tradition that now makes it unique.
PARTAP SHARMA of India is a playwright, novelist and author of four books for children. His books have been published in India, England, USA, France, Denmark, Holland and Canada. As an actor, he has played the lead in five Hindi feature films and won the National Award in 1971 for his performance in Phir Bhi. He has directed a number of documentary films, and his voice is well-known to cinema, TV and radio audiences. His play Sammy was just recently produced in England.

Bindlestiff Studio (San Francisco, CA)
The Love Edition 2: Turned On
February 9 to 24, 2007
Watch five stories ranging from the hilarious to the heartfelt. Meet a man torn between his quest for love and a hunger for sugar. Watch the long suppressed feelings of three friends laid out on the table. Witness a legendary couple discussing their relationship and the end of our world. See a speed dating session turn into closure for two people sharing a history. Discover how a secret turn-on affects the future of a young engaged couple. For more information please visit us at www.TheLoveEdition.com.
See News story.
The Playwrights Connection (Southern CA)
Death and Texas
reading of a new play, work in progress
by Felix Racelis
directed by Ellen Sanford
February 22, 2007
Can a heavy set diabetic narcissist, who's just shot her husband, find peace in mid 90's suburban Dallas?
DATE: Thur. February 22, 2007
TIME: 8pm
PLACE: Womans Club of Hollywood
1749 No. LaBrea (between Hollywood and Franklin)
INFO: (323) 662-6861
Lodestone Theatre (Los Angeles, CA)
February 25, 2007
Come out and enjoy the Oscars with your Lodestone friends and family at the Orchid.
Ticket price includes:
• Academy Awards viewing on a BIG SCREEN with SURROUND SOUND....
• ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT BUFFET from 6-8 PM (w/free soda & coffee from 6-8 PM)...
• Fully-stocked bar with DRINK SPECIALS all night (featuring L.A.'s largest martini menu with over 100 selections)...
• Enter our annual Oscar pool and try to guess the winners (Pool closes before the announcement of first award). Only $5 to enter...
• Karaoke rooms available upstairs during and after Oscars program at no additional cost (subject to availability)
• Meet the cast/crew of Lodestone's upcoming production of The Mikado Project by Doris Baizley and Ken Narasaki, directed by Chil Kong
• And more surprises to come...
Upgrade to VIP tickets and you’ll receive:
· One hour open bar in the upstairs VIP karaoke room from 4-5PM, during the Oscar Pre-show
· Special VIP gift bags (limited to one per ticket only)
· Access to the VIP karaoke room all night long
All this and more at Koreatown's hottest nightspot:
Orchid Restaurant and Cafe
3900 W. 6th Street (Corner of Oxford and 6th)
Los Angeles, CA 90020
Sunday, February 25th, 2006
Doors open at 4:00 PM
Oscars start at 5:00 PM (Pool closes before the announcement of first award)
Arrive EARLY for best seating!
Valet parking available
$20 pre-sale (if received by February 23rd)
$25 at the door (early arrival suggested)
VIP tickets $40 (includes reserved VIP seating, free access to VIP karaoke room, 1 hour of open bar and gift bag. Only a limited number available.)
To order advanced tickets, send a check (made out to: Lodestone Theatre Ensemble) for $20 per ticket (or $40 for VIP) to:
Lodestone Theatre Ensemble c/o Oscar Night
PO Box 1072, Studio City, CA 91614
Assaulted Fish (Vancouver,BC)
@ Sketch Club
February 25, 2007
Assaulted Fish is back with their first 2007 performances. Join us at The Media Club on Sunday,February 25 when we perform a 15-minute opener to introduce the evening's other funny guests. We've been working on some new sketch material, so c'mon down, bring a friend and see hilarity ensue.
Assaulted Fish @ Sketch Club
Presented by The Media Club & 'Keep Your Head Up' Productions
Featuring The Skinny, The Dead Understudies and KYHU
Sunday, February 25
Show at 8pm (doors open 7pm)
The Media Club
695 Cambie StreetTickets: $15*
*Available at the door or in advance by contacting KYHU Productions at 778-329-8417
Next up for the Fish: A special performance at the BC Chinese Canadian Historical Society AGM, Saturday, March 10.
ART 168 (Los Angeles, CA)
Guo Neen
by Wei-Meng Cheng
February 25, 2007

Faymen Chow must find his grandfather's soul before he loses another loved one to a Neen on Chinese New Year. Will he solve this mystery on time?
ART 168 (A Rabbit and a Tiger Production) presents the first staged reading of Guo Neen a new play by Wei-Meng Cheng.
Directed by November Morris Cast: Elbert Traister, Andrea Apuy, Jared Asato, Regina Cheng-Sheu, Jason Rogel, Ewan Chung, Diana Toshiko, Mitch Hernandez, Kevin Ocampo, Carolina Espiro
Sunday February 25th, 3pm @
The Grand Star
943 N Broadway (Cross Street: College Street)
Los Angeles, CA 90012
This reading is the first of a series of staged readings presented every month at The Grand Star. Please visit the following website for more details:
6.25: history beneath the skin
Sunday 2/25/07, 7pm
East West Players - David Henry Huang Theater
120 Judge John Aiso St, (Little Tokyo) Los Angeles 90012
6.25: history beneath the skin is a multi-media documentary theatre piece about the divisions, silences, and legacies of the Korean War, written and performed by three Korean American artists. Presented
as recorded audio, visual projections, and live readings, the performance reveals the silenced past and memories of the forgotten war via present-day experiences and events.
The performance is presented in conjunction with the Korean American oral history/art exhibit, STILL PRESENT PASTS shown through March 24 at:
LA ARTCORE/ Union Center for the Arts
120 Judge John Aiso Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Gallery Hours Wed-Sun 12-5.
Gallery will stay open until 7pm on 2/25
A-Squared Theater Workshop (Chicago, IL)
Trial by Water
by Qui Nguyen
February 26, 2007
Loosely based on actual events, Qui Nguyen's play Trial by Water chronicles the voyage of two young brothers, Huy and Hung, from Vietnam to the Philippines in order to start new lives. As the engine on their boat breaks, their voyage becomes an Odyssey forcing each brother to examine their morality as they face peril of nightmarish proportions.
Trial by Water was first produced in 2006 by the Ma-Yi company of New York and lauded by critics. Qui Nquyen's work is produced by Vampire Cowboys Theatre Company and Ma-Yi Theatre. A-Squared Theatre Workshop is proud to present this staged reading of Nguyen's work for its first-ever staged reading series.
A-Squared Theatre Workshop presents a staged reading of Trial by Water by Qui Nguyen.
Sulzer Library
4455 N Lincoln Ave
Chicago, IL 60625
(312) 744-7616
Monday, February 19, 2007
7:00PM - 9:00PM
Free and all ages
Second Generation (New York, NY)
an In The Works staged reading
a new play by Carla Ching
directed by Denyse Owens
February 26, 2007
Kellie Arens, J. Julian Christopher, Debargo Sanyal, Elbe Sette-Camara, Lloyd Suh
When Silas Park's girlfriend leaves him, he becomes a shut-in, pumping out blistering autobiographical stories in his little Brooklyn apartment. Just as Silas finds himself unexpectedly on the verge of literary stardom as the next Asian American wunderkind, his adopted brother Finn shows up on his doorstep, accusing Silas of stealing his life. A play in two acts, in the crevice between fact and fiction.
Monday, February 26
7:00 PMEnsemble Studio Theatre
549 W. 52nd Street
(between 10th and 11th Avenues)
New York, NY
Seating is limited. Reservations are required.A post-show talkback will follow the performance with Carla Ching, Denyse Owens and the cast moderated by Ralph B. Pena.
One4All Theater Company and Phoenix Theatre presents
a work in progress by Paul Heller
directed by Duy Nguyen
Discourse at the Discotheque
a staged-reading by Alex Park
directed by Chris Chen
Monday February 26th
7pm, $5-$10 donation
Phoenix Theater
414 Mason (@Geary)
San Francisco, CA
BART/MUNI: Powell Station
(please see below for parking information)
Featuring the talents of: Jake de Asis, Sora Sunyoung Baek, Chrys-Anthony Booker, Christopher Chen, Leon Goertzen, Lisa Kang, Robert Kellerman, Teresa Moore, George Nguyen, Nonoko Sato, Kaelynn Wang, Tina Yang, Mary Haley Young, and Yen Ly.
The play imagines Vietnam has taken over the US. and will explore how life changes for Americans and the Vietnamese authorities after the takeover. Some questions that interest us: What happens to loyalty and personal relationships? How does communism and Vietnamese cultural mores affect American life? Who will sell out and why? What will it be like for Americans to live in their own country in reduced or changed circumstances? Will American pop or hip-hop culture affect the invaders? What do you do to survive? What impediments would face the Vietnamese people living here? Above all, what are the threats to both groups of people?
Actors, director and writer will develop the piece together by improvising scenarios, some satiric, some more serious. It is our company's intention to help audiences understand what it's like to live in an occupied country and to question why we do not think more about the plight of those who are over-run. The director, Duy Nugyen, will use an improvisation technique he learned from Stan Lei in Taiwan to flesh out the scenarios. No knowledge of Vietnamese or Vietnamese history or culture is needed.
The Phoenix Theatre
414 Mason between Geary and Post
6th floor, Suite 601
The building is between Ruby Skye and Max's On the Square. Nearest public garage is the Ellis/O'Farrell garage between Powell and Stockton on the backside of Macy's. The Union Square garage is between Geary and Post (entrances on both sides) and Powell and Stockton.
The Marianne Murphy Women & Philanthropy Play Reading Series (Los Angeles, CA)
Wednesday, Feb 28th 3-6pm.
The Presentation Room
Young Research Library
Jupiter and Nebula, written by Wesley Du, Directed by Isaac Ho
with Linda Shing and Feodor Chin
What happens when an ambitious Asian Woman meets a rough neck Asian man?
"Lynn 1, Lynn 2," written by Annette Lee, Directed by Elizabeth Sung
Lynn things she lives alone - or does she?
UCLA parking $8
Admission is free
Discussion with audience members will follow the reading.
Light refreshments will be served.
RSVP Jessie Singh (310) 825-7008
East West Players (Los Angeles, CA)
Master Class
by Terrence McNally
February 7 to March 4, 2007
East West Players third production of the 41st Anniversary Season is Tony Award winner Master Class by Terrence McNally, sponsored by the S. Mark Taper Foundation Endowment for East West Players. Maria Callas is teaching a master class in front of an audience (us). She's glamorous, commanding, larger than life and drop-dead funny. Master Class is pyrotechnical theaterfireworks in a contained space where Callas is brought back to life inspired by a series of master classes the great diva conducted at Juilliard toward the end of her career. Maria coaxes, prods, and inspires students “victims” she calls them into giving performances of their lives while revealing her own. Emotional explosions, cutting wit and soaring music brought to life by the Tony Award winning author of Love! Valour! Compassion!
See News story.
Chicago, IL
Secret Asian Man: A Korean Kabaret
with Max Cheung. 8pm.
February 7 to ?
Davenports. 1383 North Milwaukee Avenue. (773) 278-1830. $9 with 2-drink minimum.
William and Mary's University
Ramayana (Rama's Journey)
Adapted and Directed by
Francis Tanglao-Aguas
March 1 to 4, 2007
An epic melange of music, poetry and movement from India, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia, and the Philippines, Ramayana dramatizes Prince Rama's heroic journey upholding virtue and ethics over desire and ambition. Written by the great Sanskrit poet St. Valmiki in 300 BCE, the Ramayana is ingrained in the literature, art, and culture of South and South East Asia.
March 1-3, 2007, 8pm
March 4, 2007, 2pm
Box office opens Feb. 20
Feb. 19 for season subscribers
Single Ticket $8
$5 for students
Info at http://www.wm.edu/theatre/currentseason.html
Rising Circle Theater Collective (New York, NY)
American Family Project
an original play by the Rising Circle Theater Collective,
exploring the transformation of the family ideal
March 1 to 11, 2007
Rising Circle Theater Collective˜nominated in six categories by the New York Innovative Theatre Awards, and winner in the Outstanding Ensemble category for their first original play, Pulling the Lever presents its newest original play, American Family Project. The play illuminates the experiences of five unique people whose moving and deeply personal accounts are underrepresented in the national discussion on family. This dynamic theatrical event uses text from transcribed interviews to explore their experiences and how they've shaped their lives.
Catherine Jhung*, Nancy Kim, Kerry Mantle, Arlando Smith*, Paula Wilson*
Lead writers/Directors: Sanjit De Silva & Deepa Purohit
Produced by the Rising Circle Theater Collective
Associate Producer: Amie Parikh | Set Design: Shoko Kambara | Lighting Design: Rie Ono
Costume Design: Amelia Dombrowski
Sound Design: A-men Rasheed | Photography: Will O'Hare & Joachim Wiese
Movement: Catherine Jhung | Stage Management: Heidi Lauren Duke |
Assistant Producer: Taniya Sen
March 1 - March 11, 2007
Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat evenings @ 8pm
Sat and Sun matinees @! 2pm
Teatro La TEA @ Clemente Soto Velez Community Center
107 Suffolk Street, Suite 200
(btwn Delancey & Rivington)
Tickets can be purchased at www.smarttix.com, or call 212-868-4444, or at the door
All tickets are $18
Family Day Sunday March 4th: Bring a family member and get 2 tix for the price of one!
*An Equity Approved Showcase *Denotes member of Actors' Equity Association
American Family Project is made possible in part with Public Funds from the Fund for Creative Communities, supported by the New York State Council on the Arts and administered by the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council.
The Center For the Pacific Asian Family (Southern CA)
presents an-all API benefit performance of
The Vagina Monologues
by Eve Ensler
March 2, 2007
The cast will include Tamlyn Tomita, Michelle Krusiec, Angela Oh, Elizabeth Sung and many others. Friday, March 2, 8 Pm at the Aratani Japan American Theater, 244 S. San Pedro St. in Little Tokyo. Tickets range from $20-$50. This is a V-Day LA 2007 Worldwide Campaign benefit Performance. For more info or tickets: (323) 653-4045, ext. 204.

Uncle Gunjiro’s Girlfriend
A Samurai and the Archdeacon’s Daughter (San Francisco 1906)
The haunting eloquence of master storyteller Brenda Wong Aoki
In concert with Asian Jazz pioneer Mark Izu
Featuring 13 year old Kai Kane Aoki Izu
Directed by OBIE Award Winning Director Jael Weisman
Celebrating Japantown’s 100th
Fri & Sat, March 2 & 3 at 8 pm
Eugene and Elinor Friend Center for the Arts, Kanbar Hall
Jewish Community Center of San Francisco
(3200 California St. @ Presidio)
“Uncle Gunjiro's Girlfriend is the historic account of the marriage between Helen Gladys Emery, daughter of the Archdeacon of San Francisco’s Grace Cathedral and Gunjiro Aoki, descended from an ancient Samurai family in 1909. The union made headlines, provoked public outrage, death threats and the loss of citizenship. A story Aoki didn’t know existed until she went looking for the source of her family's secret shame. It’s the tale of two distinguished families torn apart and reduced to poverty by prejudice and the impact of this marriage on their descendants today.”
Robert Hurwitt, San Francisco Chronicle
Pan Asian Repertory Theatre (NYC, NY)
30th Anniversary Celebration
March 5, 2007
At the Copacabana
At the legendary Copacabana
(560 W. 34th St. at 11th Ave.)
Honorary co-chairs: Tina Chen & Janet Rodriguez
Emcees: David Henry Hwang and Chris Chan, Esq.
Black Tie & Festive Dress evening:
v 6:30 Cocktails in the Miranda Room
v 7:30 Dinner in the Grand Ballroom.
v 8:15 Pan Asian Awards and highlights
v 9:15 Dancing and Raffle
Emcee David Henry Hwang
Welcome - Sybil Nadel, Board Chair
Rashomon with Marcus Ho & Ken Park
Lilah Kan RED SOCKS AWARD to Nicky Paraiso
Presenters John Fitzgibbon & Lucia Hwong Gordon
Jerry’s Farewell from Shanghai Lil’s
Sung by Leanne Cabrera, Eileen Rivera, Jessica Wu
Presenter Jay Mazur
Proclamation by Scott Stringer Manhattan Borough President
Whose Child are You from Cambodia Agonistes
Sung by Lydia Gaston
Presenters John Weidman & Tina Chen, received by Momo Yashima
Remarks John Weidman & words from Harold Prince
Advantages of Floating in the Middle of the Sea from Pacific Overtures
Sung by Ernest Abuba, Arthur Acuna,
Alan Ariano, John Baray, Orville Mendoza
Piano accompaniment to all songs by Louis Stewart
Tickets: $300 - $500 - $1000; Artist rate $150
Contact Pan Asian Rep: 212-868-4030 panasian@aol.com
Liverpool Institute for the Performing Arts (Liverpool, England)
Mysterious Skin
by Prince Gomolvilas
March 8 and 9, 2007
Bindlestiff Studios (San Francisco, CA)
March 9, 2007
There comes a time in every humanoid's life when s/he must experience an evening of transcendental comedy, full-body awe, and rollickin' pleasure, all rolled into one, and here's your chance: on Friday, March 9th, 2007, Bindlestiff Studio presents Damsels Insurrection Comedy for the Masses, featuring a line-up of comics equipped with barbed tongues, incisive wits, and estrogen-infused jokes about anal sex.
Featuring Andrea Almario, Sherry Sirof, Samantha Chanse, Gretchen Rootes, Aureen Almario, Erika Innes, Yayne Abeba and some special guests, Damsels Insurrection is a night you're not soon to forget. Or we'll cut you.
$10 - 20 sliding scale; $7 for students with ID showing they're students
Friday, March 9 Doors open at 7:00PM, event begins at 8PM TICKETS General Admission: $10-$20 sliding scale (general), and $7(students with ID).
RESERVATIONS: Please call (415) 255-0440 to make a reservation or to volunteer. LOCATION Bindlestiff Alley, 505 Natoma St, San Francisco, CA 94103
SALAAM Theatre (New York, NY)
SALAAM's 7 Year Anniversary at this Gala House Party.
March 10, 2007
Grab your friends and head over to our SEVEN YEAR SOIREE filled with music, drinks, food, performances and lots of fabulous conversations. Saturday nights in Manhattan never looked so sweet. Have fun while you help support SALAAM Theatre. Please join us for this one-night-only event!!! And at 2am, we can all move our watches forward to mark the beginning of Daylight Saving Time (DST).
VENUE: Located in the Treadwell Farm Historic District, this jaw-dropping Upper East Side townhouse on a lovely tree-lined street has quite a bit of history attached to it. President Theodore Roosevelt reportedly gave this house to his daughter Alice as a wedding present in 1906, Russian Prince Serge Obolensky lived here and this was the New York City home of actor Mongomery Clift.
217 East 61st Street
Between 2nd & 3rd Avenues
New York, NY
Admission $20
includes food/snacks, 2 drink tickets and a house party with performances that you won't want to miss.
Reservations RECOMMENDED:
Phone: 212.330.8097
Email: rsvp@SALAAMtheatre.org
If you are interested in performing or volunteering, please email us asap.
For an energizing and engaging event, make it SALAAM time http://www.SALAAMtheatre.org
Vancouver Asian Canadian Theatre (Vancouver, BC)
Banana Boys
By Leon Aureus, Based on the novel by Terry Woo
February 23 to March 17, 2007
“...(a) smart and wickedly funny play” Nicholas Keung, Toronto Star
Banana: n. 1. tropical fruit; yellow on the outside, white on the inside
2. Canadian-born Chinese (CBC); yellow on the outside, white on the inside
The Banana Boys are five Canadian buddies trying to get through university, find love, and establish themselves. But they’re also figuring out what it means to be a “yellow guy” in the Great White North. Banana Boys is a smart and wickedly funny play which balances the joys of beer and video games with the frustrations of being caught between cultures. Based on the critically acclaimed first novel by Toronto author Terry Woo, the plot twists when one of the boys meets a bizarre death. A smart and wickedly funny play.
@ The Firehall Arts Centre - 280 East Cordova Street
Box Office: 604.689.0926
In collaboration with the Firehall Arts Centre, www.firehallartscentre.ca
Theatre Arts Japan
woken’ glacier theatre company and
MONO theatre company present the U.S. premiere of
It is said the men are over in the Steel Tower
By Hideo Tsuchida
Directed by Ronit Muszkatblit
Translated by M. Cody Poulton, Adapted by Matthew Paul Olmos
March 2 to 18, 2007
Mu Performing Arts (Minneapolis, MN)
Circle Around the Island
Co-presented with The Guthrie Theater
Written by Marcus Quiniones
Directed by Randy Reyes
March 3 to 18, 2007
In Circle Around the Island, a revival of the 1999 production, Playwright/Director/ Performer Marcus Quiniones delves into his childhood memories on the Hawaiian island of Moloka'i. Through the extraordinary communion of mystical companions, family guardians, and Hawaiian music and movement inspired by hula, Circle Around the Island takes us deep into his heart and island home. This enchanting tale of self-discovery draws on elemental forces to tell a story of loss, belief, and home.
Reviews are here and here.
The Pioneer Press writes: "Director Randy Reyes has an eye for visual poetry, and his production team works magic with simple elements. . . . but even more beautiful is Quiniones' graceful, hula-inspired choreography."
" It's tempting to suggest that Marcus Quiniones' "Circle Around the Isand" is worth seeing as a textbook example of theatrical storytelling. That recommendation, however, wouldn't do justice to the exquisite heart Quiniones brings to his 75-minute meditation on the place his father and home occupy in his life's journey."
Kumu Kahua Theatre (Honolulu, HI)
Aging Is Not For Sissies...!
by Dr. Pratibha Eastwood
March 17 to 18, 2007
Mu Performing Arts (Minneapolis, MN)
Journey of the Drum
Co-produced with SteppingStone Theatre for Youth Development
March 2 to 22, 2007
Journey of the Drum, is a world premiere children's play with music co-produced with SteppingStone Theatre for Youth Development. Set in ancient Japan, a young woman who secretly loves to drum is challenged to prove her ability by playing taiko in the farthest reaches of the land.

Pork Filled Players (Seattle, WA)
Big Hunk O' Burnin' Love
by Prince Gomolvilas
March 2 to 24, 2007
The Northwest's oldest Asian American comedy group presents the Northwest premiere of Big Hunk O' Burnin' Love, written by the 2006 Made in America award winner, Prince Gomolvilas.
Winston has a secret: there's a curse that every unmarried male in his Thai American family spontaneously combusts when they hit 30. Winston is single. Guess who's hitting the Big Three Oh next week...
See News and the MySpace page!
Hey! Reviews are out,
by Anjalee Deshpande
March 19, 2007 at 7PM
Celebrate women's history month with a reading of Tamasha by Anjalee Deshpande. Tamasha is a South Asian adaptation of Anton Chekov's masterpiece, The Three Sisters.
Forced to move from cosmopolitan New York City to a small suburban town in Wisconsin, three sisters struggle with loneliness, identity and the confusing world of Indian relationships in the US. Oma, the oldest, struggles to understand why a smart mature thirty something professional is completely unable to find an Indian man to date, let alone to love no matter what she does. Megana, the middle sister, is torn between the man she married and the one she loves - what does commitment mean to an Indian American woman? Ishti, the youngest has an Indian suitor who is completely in love with her, but all she can think about is how she will never feel attracted to an Indian man no matter how hard she tries. Each must decide for herself when to settle and when to fight for what they want as South Asian women living in America.
Scripting Aloud (Vancouveer, BC)
The Tiger, The Rat and The Horse
by Matt Yoshikazu Gates
March 19, 2007
Lodestone Theatre (Southern CA)
Shui Jiao (Dumpling)
by Wesley Du
directed by Isaac Ho
March 20, 2007
Shui Jiao (Dumpling) is about an Asian American boxer, Daniel, whose dreams of becoming a world champion were crushed when he got injured in the Vietnam War. He has spent the past thirty years of his life working in a Chinese restaurant making dumplings and trying to hold on to all that he has left. His family. This play deals with issues of love, race, and family relations.
1111-B West Olive St.
Burbank, CA 91506
(inside George Izay Park, just west of S. Victory Blvd.)
FREE ADMISSION (but donations gladly accepted and encouraged)
FREE PARKING: Park near the jet plane in front of George Izay Park at 1111 W. Olive. St. Walk into the park, past Olive Recreation Center. GTC Burbank is behind the Rec. Center, facing the softball fields.
NO RSVPS required, however, please arrive at least ten minutes before curtain for seating (which is limited and on a first-come basis). THERE WILL BE NO LATE ADMISSION!
Copyright 2007, Roger W. Tang
Questions? Email
