From Kumu Kahua Theatre

$730,515 in funding for the Hawaii State Foundation on Culture and the Arts currently at risk!

$730,515 in general funds which support the Biennium Grants Program of the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts (SFCA) are at risk. Such a cut would be devastating to this program and to many of the organizations throughout Hawaii who are counting on these grants. The nonprofit arts sector contributes enormously to the quality of life here in Hawaii, and public support of these groups is a good investment in our community. This cut would wipe out nearly 70% of the funding base.

We acknowledge the intrinsic value of the arts for both personal and social change, but arts and culture have enormous potential as an economic driver, with arts & prosperity studies throughout the country demonstrating this very important role of the arts. The arts mean business!

As many of you know, Hawaii once led the nation in per capita spending for the arts, and many arts councils and community leaders throughout the country held Hawaii up as a best practice model. Unfortunately, we have seen a reduction from $6,045,782 in FY 1994-1995 to $1,863,595 in FY 2003-2004. Sadly we are looking at even less funding this year.

This is certainly a time when we need more of the arts, not less. Whether your passion is visual, performing, literary or media arts, please voice your thoughts and let our leaders know how you feel. Remember, these grants to community organizations affect all of us!

How can you help? A very simple email -- even a few lines -- can make your point.

Please send your email to the following government leaders by copying and pasting their email address above. Your 5 or 10 minutes could tip the balance. Please do this as soon as possible as this crucial decision must be made by June 30th. Phone numbers are listed if you prefer to call.
(Governor Linda Lingle- 808-586-0034)
(Lt. Governor Aiona - 808-586-0255)
(Russ Saito, Comptroller - 808-586-0400)
(Georgina Kawamura, Director of Finance- 808-586-1518)
(Chief of Staff - 808-586-0034)
(Ted Liu, director, DBEDT 808-586-2355)

SUGGESTIONS - Be brief, passionate and polite. It isn't necessary to write a long email.

Talking Points:
The arts foster originality, creative thinking and vitality.
The arts inspire us, challenge us, and soothe us.
The arts promote critical thinking
The arts revitalize communities
The arts attract cultural tourists
The arts improve student SAT scores
The arts reduce crime and recidivism
The arts inspire self-esteem and confidence
Nonprofit arts groups in Honolulu, alone, contributed over $180 million to the economy in 2001
The Hawaii Tourism Authority and the arts community currently have cultural tourism initiative to promote the arts within the visitor industry. Obviously a stronger "product" is critical.

"Sign" your name (identify yourself). An address and phone number are helpful, if you'd like.

We thank you for your help on this very important issue!

Susan Killeen
Executive Director
Hawaii Consortium for the Arts
P.O. Box 23209
Honolulu, HI 96823-3209
Ph: 808-587-5808
Fax: 808-566-6077
A Voice For The Arts

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