Casting call : On The Rocks

Director: Sun Tae Hwang
Executive Producer: Jarmo Simento
Format: Very high end HD

Award winning director's new short film about a family trying to survive in San Francisco. His previous works are currently in film festival circuits all around the world, including "Snapdragon", 35mm drama.


Julie - Lead / FEMALE / 17 TO 25 / Asian American

Fun, free-spirited, and rebellious. She wants to break out of her repressive environment, and pursue a new life. Strong emotional arc.

Katie - Lead / FEMALE / 40 TO 55 / Korean Mid 40's Julie & Donald's mother. She is a trying to run a bar, while raising her two children. Strong emotional arc. Must speak Korean & English.

Please e-mail headshot & resume to:

Feel free to e-mail us for questions.

Story Line: On the Rocks tells the story of Katie - a bar owner - and her two children, Julie and Donald - as they struggle to survive as a family.

Being a single mom doesn't make it any easier, and the children are wrestling with thier own secrets - one is in a gay relationship, the other wants to leave the family and pursue a new life.

One day will change everything...

Snapdragon Website:

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