Casting call for APA Xmas program

Doing an Asian Pacific American Christmas Program in need of actors and actresses to complete the cast. The lead character has already been cast.


1. TRACY She is between 18 & 20 years old. She knows Scriptures well because of her father is a preacher. She loves her father personally witnessed his unconditionally love to unworthy people, but also has seen the hypocrisies of many people who called themselves Christians at their church.

She is currently enrolled in an university that brings new issues of morality, religion, sexuality, ethics, love, friendships, relationships, finances and facts that is brand new to her that has given her many questions that people in Church and/or Christians are unable or unwilling to answer.

She is strong-willed, passionate, artistic and questions everything that people tell her. She is tired of old traditionally ways that she cannot relate to. She can't understand why church accepts mediocrity and why Chinese tradition takes precedent over Scriptures.

2. SHEILA Tracy's best friend since grammar school. She's a non-Christian and her parents are non-Christians. She represents people who have observed "Christians" over a long period of time and believes that God is probably like the "Christians she sees who are more sinful than the sinners they condemned.

3. DAVID Multi-faceted part that combines the real King David and the statue of King David coming to life. The Bible's King David is a flawed, lustful, rich, willful, revengeful, brilliant, passionate, decisive, faithful and strong person of faith. His character will be in his early to mid-twenties.

4. MICHELANGELO Man in his mid-twenties that is full of passion, ethics, compassion, smart and of great artistic talents. As an artist that constantly seeks to find the "essence" of the subjects of his artistry to communicate, unique revelations causes him to rethink what is "right" and "wrong." The unique situation of the "Creation" talking to its "Creator" and wondering why and how will help MICHELANGELO discover the reasons why he connected. This will help the Narrator communicate the reality of what Jesus//God brings out of people and help them communicate this to others. There has never been a more literally awesome artist than Michelangelo: awesome in the scope of his imagination, awesome in his awareness of the significance--the spiritual significance of beauty. Beauty was to him divine; one of the ways God communicated Himself to humanity.

5. EVE Girl of 19 years old who has a stubborn streak and loves to challenge things. Wonders why God has told her of things she can't do and why she is the "rib" of Man - in this case, Adam. She is filled with wonderment and is bewildered by all the new things that she is discovering.

6. ADAM Eve's mate in the Garden of Eden

7. ANTONIO A sleazy but prominent music producer. He has a serious attitude because of his recent hits and has his posse/entourage always around him to remind him of his importance.

8. PARTY PEOPLE: 8 people, which consist of 4 couples. They will be helping out with the ushering and when the show begins they transform into the people attending the party. They will help out with the singing and dancing that's required during the Program.


Contact: A Touch of Class Productions, Inc.
(562) 866 7174

Westminster CA, September 7, 1998-- On December 12, 1998, Orange County's Chinese Presbyterian Church will be the location of a unique Christmas Program featuring Asian Pacific American / multi-ethnic actors and musicians entitled - "Choices!" Through the vast power of music contain in the r&b, rock, alternative, rap and pop styles with youths, the event will offer answers not commonly heard in Christian settings regarding the "Christmas Story."

In addition, dialogue will chronicle the search of a female 18 years old "Preacher's Kid" - who is stubborn, strong-willed, rebellious and artistic - to find REAL answers not commonly given in typical Christian settings. Her search for people that she can relate to leads her to talk with Eve, Michaelangelo and King David. Eve because she was the original "Preacher's Kid" and rebel. Michaelangelo because of his extreme passion to find truth in his artistic expressions. King David because of his strong-will and need to find truth. She believes that one should "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks to give the reason for the hope that you have"

The event's c.d., scheduled for release in November, will contain songs from the event. It will feature compositions from the participating artists known in the Asian (Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, etc.), Hispanic, Black and White communities. This recording and event is scheduled to be broadcast LIVE on the Internet for all interested people in the Cyber World. In addition, a portion of the proceeds will be given to two organizations - World Vision and Save the Children charities.

The performance time of the event is 7:30 P.M. and the venue is located at 14614 Magnolia Street in Westminster, CA. The prices for the event is $10.00 at the door, $7.50 if purchased BEFORE December 1, 1998, group rate are $5.00 per person if purchased before December 1, 1998 with 10+ people and VIP tickets are $15.00 each. For further information on the venue, please call 714 893-5500.

The event is privileged to have these organizations and companies as our sponsors and beneficiaries - Denny's Restaurants, Discmaker, Soundbridge Music, Chinese Presbyterian Church of Orange County, World Vision, etc.

For further information on the event, its purpose, participation, Internet broadcast times, ticket sales and sponsorships - please call (562) 866 7174 or e-mail to

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