Chicago group casts for parody

CHICAGO, ILL - - C.W. Chan, chair of the 1999 Asian American Coalition of Chicago (AAC), announced today that the 16th Annual Lunar New Year Celebration will feature a special musical parody presentation, "Sayonara, Miss Saigon," at its gala on Sunday, February 28 at the Chicago Hilton & Towers, 720 South Michigan Avenue. Cocktail reception is at 5 p.m., opening ceremonies at 6 p.m., followed by dinner, programming and awards presentation.

Lunar New Year is traditionally the single largest organized annual event in Chicago's Asian American community, which numbers over approximately 300,000. Tickets have been selling at a brisk pace. With over half of the house already sold, early ticket purchase has been strongly recommended. Over 1,100 people are expected at the festivities.

Every year a different Asian community takes turn playing host, and this year it is the Chinese American community. Co-hosted by Chicago Chinatown Chamber of Commerce, the Chinese American Civic Council of Chicago and the Organization of Chinese Americans, Inc., Greater Chicago Chapter, this year's gala will welcome The Year of the Rabbit, 4697.

"Sayonara, Miss Saigon," A Musical Parody, On Asian Stereotypes from Stage and Screen, will star The 1999 Asian American Coalition of Chicago Song, Dance and Martial Arts Troupe. The Coalition is pleased to announce that Quincy Wong has been chosen to serve as head writer and director; Tatsu Aoki as musical director and arranger; and Michael A. Lo and Don Villar, writers, with Christina January Adachi, Irene Cualoping and May Ling Lai.

"Sayonara, Miss Saigon" will feature "Many Voices, One Vision," an original musical anthem, with music and lyrics by Keith Uchima, and will be performed by The 1999 Asian American Coalition of Chicago All-Star Band and Chorus.


Casting auditions for leads, soloists, musicians, dancers and martial artists will be held this Saturday, January 9, from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. in Chicago's Chinatown (location to be announced shortly), and on Thursday, January 14 from 6 p.m. - 10 p.m. (musical auditions from 7 p.m. - 8 p.m.) in Chicago's Chinatown. Please note that any leads, soloists, musicians, dancers and martial artists chosen must be available for the full dress rehearsal, scheduled for Wednesday, February 24 from 6 p.m. - 10 p.m. at the Chicago Hilton. Chorus members do not need to audition, but must also be available for the February 24 dress rehearsal. Everyone auditioning should bring with them a resume and head shot, if available. Actors and actresses auditioning for dramatic and comedic parts will be supplied with a script at the audition.

Singers auditioning for soloist parts should be prepared to perform a ballad, power ballad or pop song at the audition. Martial artists should bring their own mat, if available.

It is anticipated that chorus members will be required to attend a total of three rehearsals; the "Sayonara" musicians four rehearsals; the "All-Star Band Members" two rehearsals; and leads, soloists and dancers a total of approximately six rehearsals. Leads chosen should plan on attending the first read-through on Saturday, January 24 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. in Chicago Chinatown. * A cast of characters and musicians needed is listed below.

Performers of all ages are welcome to participate.


In addition to talent appearing on-stage, the Coalition also welcomes volunteers for the sound, technical and production crew. For further information, please e-mail with name, address, e-mail, daytime and evening phone numbers, or leave the same information at the number (312) 458-0832.

Tickets are priced at $600 per table of ten, or $60 each, and are available on a first-paid, first-seated basis. Show sponsorships of "Sayonara, Miss Saigon" are available. Please contact (312) 225-0234 for ticket information.

Remaining AAC planning committee meetings are scheduled on Wednesdays from 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. on January 27 at Pacific Global Bank, 2323 South Wentworth Avenue; on February 17 at St. Paul Federal Bank and on February 24 at the Chicago Hilton & Towers.

To volunteer, to purchase tickets, or for further information, please contact any of the co-hosts. Chinatown Chamber of Commerce can be contacted at (312) 326-5320.

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CAST OF CHARACTERS (As of January 4, 1999 A.M.; Subject to Change)

1. Chinese Traditional Ribbon Dancers
2. Charlie Chan
3. # 1 Son
4. Fan Dancers
5. Hop-Sing
6. 2 Ninjas
7. Vietnamese Soldier
8. Young Charlie Chan - 6 Years Old
9. Geisha # 1 - M. Butterfly
10. Geisha # 2 - Kim
11. Geisha # 3 - Cho-Cho San
12. Godzilla
13. Japanese Tourists
13. White Delivery Guy
14. White Director
15. Martin Yan
16. Messenger
17. Soldier
18. Rambo
19. Kato
20. David Carradine
21. Mr. Miyagi
22. Cheerleaders (Same as Geisha Girls Plus One Blonde Cheerleader/Mira Sorvino)
23. Ghandi
24. France Nguyen
25. Mash and St. Elsewhere Nurses
26. Chow Yun Fat (John Woo Fight Scene Martial Artist)
27. Dragon Lady
28. Kama Sutra Dancers
29. Odd Job (John Woo Fight Scene Martial Artist)
30. Michelle Yeoh/The Girl Bond
31. Fu-Manchu (Twin to Ming the Merciless)
32. Suzy Wong
33. Ming the Merciless (Twin to Fu-Manchu)
36. Mulan
37. Bruce Lee
38. Barney the Dino
39. Gedde Watanabe
40. Zulu/George Takei
41. Keanu Reeves as Surfer Dude
42. Dean Cain/Superman
43. Margaret Cho
44. Haing S. Ngor

(As of January 4, 1999 A.M.; Subject to Change)

"Sayonara, Miss Saigon": Bass, Guitar, Drums, Flute and Gongs

All-Star Band, "Many Voices, One Vision"

Bass, Guitar, Drums, Flute, Tabla,
Horn Section, Including Saxophone,
Rehearsal Pianist/Keyboardist, Korean Drums

3-6 Vocal Soloists; 60 Chorus Members, Including Children's Choir

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