Eth-Noh-Tec: Weavers of Myth, Music, and Movement present a unique style of storytelling theater using mythology, folk tales, and contemporary Asian American life experiences. Their theater, comprised of longstanding Asian American artists, Nancy Wang and Robert Kikuchi-Yngojo expresses modern themes, social issues, and concerns has presented to President Clinton's Inauguration Celebration, The Smithsonian, The National Storytelling Festival in Jonesborough, TN; has been on both PBS Televisions and National Public Radio.

Because of our National contact through touring, AND because of the cultural and socio/political impact of our artistic mission, we are interested in sharing our work and invite the participation of Asian Americans, particularly younger Asian Americans throughout the United States. We have several events throughout the year. Here's how you can be a part of vision:


(Saturday, Oct 24th, 1998; 8:00 PM Show.)

Fourth Annual Performance medley of Goblin, Demons, and Ghost stories from Asia by Eth-Noh-Tec at the Randall Museum, 199 Museum Way, San Francisco Tickets $12 adults/ $6 kids at the door; info call: (415) 282-8705; ask for Robert. (all people responding to, and mentioning at the door this "Collage Ad" will receive $2 discount). These stories express the macabre, the horrid, the frightening and bizarre: Korean Demon tales, Aswang vampires of the Philippines, Ghouls and Spirits from China and Japan and much bloody more!


(Saturday, Dec. 5th, 1998)

3rd Annual Sushi Feast includes sushi-making course, INCREDIBLE Asian Buffet Feast, auction, and live performance featuring Eth-Noh-Tec Asian Am. theater, Chuna McIntyre (Yup'ik Eskimo dancer/singer), The Noh Buddies (Asian Band)... Gala takes place in the artist home studio.

Tickets: $75 (Deluxe), $40 (Dinner show only) call for details (and again, all people responding to, and mentioning at the door this "Collage Ad" will receive discount). info call: (415) 282-8705; ask for Robert.


(June 25, 26, 27, 1999)

For those Asian American performing artists interested in developing their performance ability, technique, and creativity this 3 day intensive workshop is for you. Designed for professionals and non-professionals this workshop uses visual art, vocal and theatrical improve games, choreography to explore the "inner-artist-storyteller" in you. Call out for all with interests in multicultural education, storytelling, performing arts, Asian American performing arts. Tuition: $350; info call: (415) 282-8705; ask for Robert (and mention "Collage" for special discount).



opportunities in participating in Volunteer program await you. If you are interested in supporting an Asian American non-profit arts organization and have skills or interests in: community advocacy, marketing, computers, graphic design, education, writing, or community organizing-- we have projects of varying lengths for you. In previous years, we've had university students of various majors placed in our internship program for periods of 2-6 months. Through this program we also have an interest in reaching out and expanding our board to reflect a broader age-range and generational interests. If you have interests in this area call: (415) 282-8705; ask for Robert (and Mention "Collage").



Eth-Noh-Tec presents over 400 shows nationwide throughout United States in universities, festivals, schools and community centers. Often on our tours we are VERY interested in meeting with the community, exchanging ideas, sharing our performances, and conducting workshops... all of which aims at cultural empowerment and emphasizes the importance of Asian American art in combating racism and strengthening our communities. If you are interested in being a part of our national outreach network; and/or have interests in bringing Eth-Noh-Tec to your community... call (415) 282-8705; ask for Robert (and Mention "Collage").


977 So. Van Ness
San Francisco CA 94110

office: (415) 282-8705
fax (415) 282-8795

"Eth-Noh-Tec: The Weaving of Cultures, East and West, to Create New Possibilities."

<PLEASE EMAIL> for more information on any of the above events and opportunities. Thank You.

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