East West Players (LA)
My Tired Broke Ass Pontificating Slapstick Funk
by Euijoon Kim
March 15 to April 7, 2000
MY TIRED BROKE ASS PONTIFICATING SLAPSTICK FUNK is about Eric who is plagued by old men with little dogs, mysterious fuzzy slippers, arrogant video store clerks, and angry Asian actors. He hasn't been right since he traded insults with Karen in the men's room of that club in Koreatown. How is this generAsian 1.5'er going to get out of his tired broke ass funk?
Theater Mu (Minneapolis)
Song of the Pipa
by Ric Shiomi
March 25 to April 15, 1999
Inspired by the life of Bai Juyi, a Tang era Chinese poet, and his narrative poem, Song of the Pipa.
Contemporary Asian Theatre Scene (Bay Area)
Paper Son
by Byron Yee
April 7 to 8, 2000
The San Jose Stage,
490 South 1st Street (corner of Williams),
downtown San Jose, California.
Contemporary Asian Theatre Scene is proud to be presenting the San Jose debut of Byron Yee's "Paper Son." TWO NIGHTS ONLY. Please join us for an evening of entertainment from this award winning play (awarded "Best of Fringe," 1997 San Francisco Fringe Festival).
"Paper Son" is both a funny and touching story of Byron Yee's journey through his Chinese American heritage, inspired by a visit to San Francisco's Angel Island Immigration Station, the "Ellis Island of the West." This solo performance is his story of growing up in Oklahoma, moving to San Francisco to pursue a career in comedy, auditioning for stereotypical roles in Hollywood, and his cultural awakening driven by his desire to uncover the history of his father's immigration to America.
Order your tickets from the San Jose Stage Box Office at (408) 283-7142. All ticket prices are $12. ADVANCE DISCOUNTS FOR GROUPS, SENIORS OR STUDENTS ARE ONLY AVAILABLE BY CONTACTING CATS at (408) 298-2287 or catsonline@yahoo.com
Volunteers welcomed and needed!
Contemporary Asian Theatre Scene Website at http://www.asiantheatre.org/
Visit the "Paper Son" website at http://www.paperson.com/
Asian Story Theatre (San Diego)
3 Dragons
by Kent Brisby
April 7 and 8, 2000
In honor of this year of the Dragon, Asian Story Theater will be presenting their production of 3 Dragons, written and directed by Kent Brisby, at the Lyceum Theater (In Horton Plaza).
The show features three dragon stories. A Hawaiian legend about the great mo'o's, a Balinese Shadow Puppet story taken from the Mahabharata, and an episode from Journey to the West featuring the Monkey King. Lots of fun for the whole family, this multi-cultural event is packed with exciting martial arts, beautiful hula dances, various kinds of unique puppets.
April 7th @ 7:00 pm, and April 8th @ 2:00 pm @ 7:00 pm
General admission: $9.00 kids, $12.00 adults, group rates available.
in association with the Asian Pacific Islander Cultural Center Theater Festival,
R. Zamora Linmark
author of the highly-acclaimed novel, Rolling the R's
April 7, at 8 pm
JCCCNC, 1840 Sutter Street, between Webster and Buchanan in the Japantown neighborhood of San Francisco.
Admission: $10. For info/reservations call: 415-440-5545
Rolling the R's
"A funky hothouse treat" - Jessica Hagedorn.
"Stylish, shameless, and beautiful" - Matthew Stadler.
A smart plantation lullaby, Rolling the R's unfolds in pidgin-the hybrid dialect of the problematic "darkies" who worked the plantations of "paradise" since the 19th
Century. His adolescent characters are the Cebuano, Tagalog, Samoan, Vietnamese and "one-fourth Filipino, one-fourth Spanish, one-fourth Chinese, one-eighth Hawaiian, one-sixteenth Cherokee Indian, and one-sixteenth Portugese-Brazilian" children of plantation labor and remedial speech classes, angel-dusted gang-bangers and prescient drag queens, lecherous janitors and dangerous poets. Set in the late 1970s in Kalihi Valley, everyone either wants to be Farrah Fawcett-Majors or be inside her. Linmark delves into the colonized imagination through little Orlando Domingo, a precocious Cebu--born teen who descends into Farrah-ness.
"'Farrah, Farrah, what's the secret to your hair?' the Filipino Farrah wanna-be queens ask him. And all he says is "Once a Farrah Flip, always a Farrah Flip.' Or, 'A Flip is a Flip is a Flip.'"
Linmark, who just spent a year and a half as a Fulbright scholar in the Philippines, will also be reading new works from his poetry collection, Sensory for Nine and Other Poems and his forthcoming novel, Leche. The author lives and writes in San Francisco, Honolulu, and Manila, where he is adapting Rolling the R's for the stage, and is working on a Fulbright-sponsored novel.
Website: http://www.wenet.net/~aatc
email: aatc@wenet.net
Tsunami Theatre (Washington, DC)
National Asian American Theatre Festival
April 11 to 12, 2000
In the tradition of the Marx Bros., the Three Stooges, and Gandhi, come see the little 12-pound bundle of bulbous joy in a new production of BABY DEAREST.
If you've already seen it, relive the excitement and the dry-cleaning bills with a brand new baby. Two nights only!
Oh yeah, and there're some other plays, too.
Tsunami Theatre Company produces the first
National Asian American Theatre Festival
April 11-12, 2000 at 7:30 p.m.
An Evening of Short Plays to include:
Trying to Find Chinatown by David Henry Hwang
R.A.W. by Diana Son
Yesterday's Window by Chiori Miyagawa
Coffee Talk by Michelle Hall
Recollections by Naoko Maeshiba and Kendra Ware
Dancing with a Devil by Brooke Berman
Baby Dearest by Daniel Louie
The same plays repeat each evening and is held at Source Theatre, 1835 14th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. (next to the Black Cat and two blocks south of the U St./Cardoza Metro). For advance ticket reservations, call (301) 656-3332. Tickets are $10 each -- that's less than $1.43 per play. What a bargain!
East West Players New Voices Project presents
The 2000 Writers Gallery Reading Series
The Japanese American National Museum
...this cul de sac
by Annette Lee
directed by Ken Narasaki
April 12, 2000, 7:30 pm
Race...class...sex...horticulture. There's more than one way to plant a bulb.
East West Players Writers Gallery readings are at JANM The Japanese American National Museum 369 E. 1st Street in Little Tokyo Admission is free, but please call 213.625.0414 for reservations.
This performance is made possible, in part, by The James Irvine Foundation.
next up: Jason Fong's A NICKEL'S WORTH Thursday, May 11.
Columbia University
The Superfriends of Flushing Queens
by Ji Hyun Lee
Aprl 14 and 15, 2000
In THE SUPERFRIENDS OF FLUSHING QUEENS, Ji Hyun Lee brings together four Asian friends: a Korean, a Chinese, a Japanese and a Vietnamese girl, who struggle for the perfect grade in the academically advanced Flushing High School. But what you see isn't always what you get. Underneath all the ethnic stereotypes, the girls endure some pretty dysfunctional home lives. They long to escape from their oppressing families and see the prestigious scholarship to Harvard as a means of freeing themselves.
And through all their struggles, Linda, Eve, Michelle and Liat learn that good friends always stand together. As soon as one friend is in trouble, they morph into their altar egos Wonder Girl, Slut Girl, Dyke Girl and Nerd Girl and jump into their Invisible BMW to rescue those friends in need. Because whatever may ail them at home, when they're together and in school, they will always be the Superfriends of Flushing Queens.
The Public Theatre (NYC)
Reimaging Asian America
April 16 to 23, 2000
The Joseph Papp Public Theater/New York Shakespeare Festival
George C. Wolfe, Producer
Re-imagining Asian America: A Festival of New Plays, New Music, and New Ideas
This year's NEW WORK NOW! Will highlight the works of Asian American writers during the week of April 16-23. As part of our monthly Free At Three program, panel discussions on the 16th and 23rd will focus on the origins, traditions, and cultural and socio-political trends reflected in the works of Asian American writers.
Co-sponsored by the Asian American Arts Alliance, dedicated to increasing the recognition, understanding and appreciation of Asian American arts.
Sunday, April 16, 2pm - 6pm, The Journey of Asian American Theatre
Panel discussion preceded by 5-minute excerpts from past Public Theater productions of Asian American plays including, Family Devotions, A Language of Their Own, The Chang Fragments, Golden Child, Ballad of Yachiyo, Stop Kiss and plays from the 2000 New Work Now! reading series. Excerpt from Dogeaters by Jessica Hagedorn which will be presented in The Public Theater's 2000-20001 season. Reception to follow.
Moderated by Mervin P. Antonio, Literary Manager of The Public Theater
Participants include:
Lillian Cho, Executive Director of the Asian American Arts Alliance
Alvin Eng, playwright and editor of Tokens
David Henry Hwang, playwright
Ralph Peña, playwright and Artistic Director of Ma-Yi Theatre Co.
Sunday, April 23
3pm, Playwrights Roundatable with Sunil Kuruvilla, Edward Bok Lee, Sung Rno, Alice Tuan, and Alexander Woo.
Moderated by Una Chaudhuri, chair Dept. of Drama, undergrad at Tisch School of the Arts, NYU.
5pm, Re-Imagining Asian America: Current trends and future hopes
Moderated by Emilya Cachepero, Director of Artistic Programs at Theatre Communications Group
David Eng, assistant professor of English and Asian American Studies at Columbia University
Jessica Hagedorn, playwright
Alice Tuan, playwright
Welly Yang, producer, Second Generation Productions
Chay Yew, playwright and director of the Asian Theatre Workshop at the Mark Taper Forum
Free Admission, Seating is limited, you must rsvp212-539-8685 for the panel discussions The Public Theater, 425 Lafayette Street between Astor Place and E. 4th St.
This project, is supported, in part, with public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs Cultural Challenge Program.
Free at Three is funded, in part, by generous grants from The Chase Manhattan Bank and Metropolitan Life Foundation. As part of The Public Theater's continuing commitment to nurturing artists for the American theater with the 7th annual New Work Now! Festival, the week of April 16-23 will highlight the works of Asian American writers.
Sunday, April 16
My Tired Broke Ass Pontificating Slapstick Funk
By Euijoon Kim, Directed by Alan Muraoka
Monday, April 17
By Naomi Iizuka, Directed by Lisa Peterson
Tuesday, April 18
St. Petersburg
By Edward Bok Lee, Directed by Jean Randich
Wednesday, April 19
By Sung Rno, directed Chay Yew
Thursday, April 20
Rice Boy
By Sunil Kuruvilla, directed by Liz Diamond
Friday, April 21
Forbidden City Blues
By Alexander Woo, directed by Alison Narver
Saturday, April 22
By Alice Tuan, directed by Diane Paulus
Admission Free Call 212-260-2400 for reservations. For more info www.publictheater.org.
Concurrent with the New Work Now!, Joe's Pub will showcase work by Asian
American composers and writers on April 18, 21, 22, 23, and 25.
April 18; 8:30pm, $12
Alice Tuan and Jaye Austin-Williams
Tuan reads from her own work and ausint-Williams performs Suzan-Lori
Parks' Pickling.
Friday, April 21; $20
Making Tracks
A new musical by composer Woody Pak
Saturday, April 22; 8:30pm, $12
Heading East; $12
A new musical by Robert Lee and Leon Ko
Sunday, April 23; 8:30pm, $10
Erotic readings by Aileen Cho, David Henry Hwang, Ralph Pena, and Alice
Tuan. Curated by Chay Yew.
Tuesday, April 25;8:30pm, $15
Night Vision
A new opera by Fred Ho and Ruth Margraff.
For more info www.joespub.com or call 212-539-8777.
Asia on Stage (Boston)
That Gentleman from China
April 13 to 23, 2000
The International Society (formerly Chinese Culture Institute) and Asia On Stage are jointly producing That Gentleman From China to be staged in April at the Tremont Theatre, 276 Tremont Street, Boston.
The play is a true story of the first Chinese merchant who came to Boston in mid 19th century. His success, wealth, and generosity warranted him prestige and respect in the high society.
He fell in love with an American girl. In order to marry her he had to adopt Christianity and became a U.S. citizen. He was the first Chinese to do so. He moved to Malden from Boston and lived there for 12 years. As the wealthiest man in that city he funded the centennial celebration in Malden. But after being in this country for 28 years he left his children behind and returned to China
Starkly contrasting to his enviable position was the suffering and persecution endured by the Chinese laborers in California in this period. Deeply saddened by the tragic gate of his compatriots, this man left what was his home for twenty-eight years and returned to China where his root was.
The episodes were based o historical facts ad most of the characters are real people of mid to late 19th century. The historically accurate and elaborate costumes, designed by Elana Ivanova and built for this play, will draw you into the elegant, Boston's affluent society of that period. Do not miss this deeply moving play.
The play's 1998 premiere impressed the audience from Malden. Some of them happened to be Malden's City officials. They asked us to put on the show in Malden to help celebrating the city's 350th anniversary this year and we did.
The schedules for this show:
4/13-16, 4/20-23, Thursdays-Saturday 8:00om, Sundays at 2:30pm
Tickets are $20, students and seniors: $15, Group rates are available.
Box Offices:
Tremont Theatre, 276 Tremont Street, Boston, MA 02116, Tel: 617-542-4599
Email: aoscci@aol.com
Theatre of the Yugen (SF)
The Good Guys
written and directed by Michael Edo Keane and Miko Lee
April 7 to 23, 2000
See News story.
2g Productions (NYC)
Must be the Music
April 21, 2000
Joe's Pub and Second Generation Productions
Rock 'n roll versions of new and old songs from Making Tracks, the hit musical sensation that's rockin the nation.
Rona Figueroa (Les Miserables, Dragonheart II, Miss Saigon)
Hoon Lee (Band 101)
Alex Tano (Disney's Mulan, Miss Saigon)
Welly Yang (MetroGuide, Miss Saigon)
Woody Pak, Matt Fieldes,
Hector Gonzalez, Shai Bachar
8:30 pm, Fri., April 21st
music by Woody Pak, lyrics by Brian Yorkey, conceived by Welly Yang
joe's pub...
at The Public Theater
425 Lafayette St.
tele-charge: 212.239.6200 or
second generation productions:
contact Laura Bach, laura@2g.org
this performance is expected to sell out quickly, so get your tickets NOW!!!
Joe's Pub is sponsored, in part, by Philip Morris Companies Inc.
Bindlestiff Studio
Kulintang Arts Presents
The Warrior Project
A Workshop Performance
April 21st and 22nd 2000
@ 8:00pm
185 6th Street
Between Howard and Mission
San Francisco
Tickets $8
Special Guest Performance
by Teatro Ng Tanan
in Character X
STARNIGHT 2000 - Share the Miracle
Celebrity Bone Marrow Fundraiser Show
April 22, 2000 (Easter Eve) - 7pm
Japan America Theatre - Little Tokyo
George Takai serves as this year's STARNIGHT Celebrity Chairperson as Asian / Pacific personalities lend their talents to benefit Asians for Miracle Marrow Matches (A3M). The show brings not only entertainment but moments in patients lives as they search for their life saving exact bone marrow match. Audience may also get registered for the National Bone Marrow Registry at the show. (Partial listing of artists include Chris Tashima, Bruce Locke, Jennifer Paz, Alec Mapa, Amy Hill, Phil Nee, Iqbal Theba, Elizabeth Sung, Lily Mariye, Yugi Okumoto, Sandra Oh, Daniel Dae Kim, Rob Fukuzaki, Denise Dador, and Steve Mattan.)
by Philip W. Ching
A comedy/drama about love, loneliness and the search to find your soul mate
April 6 to 30, 2000
The Lodestone Theatre Ensemble announces the world premiere of Laughter, Joy & Loneliness & Sex & Sex & Sex & Sex a new play by Philip W. Chung. This will be Lodestone's follow-up to their highly successful inaugural run of TEXAS. The show will run at the Los Angeles Theatre Center, located at 514 S. Spring Street in Downtown Los Angeles from April 6-30, 2000.
Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Eric Byler (Kenji's Faith, Better Than Sex), Laughter Joy & Loneliness & Sex & Sex & Sex & Sex runs four weeks, opening on April 6 and closing on April 30.
A Korean American philosophy teacher finds himself in the middle of a tangled triangle: an illicit romance with a teenaged student...a secret love for his best friend...and no idea what to do! Enter the original Gangsta of Love, CUPID, and the Goddess of the Soul, PSYCHE, who match powers and styles in their attempts to help him find his one true soulmate -- before time runs out.
The cast for Laughter Joy & Loneliness & Sex & Sex & Sex & Sex includes Ryun Yu (Sisters Matsumoto, TEXAS, the first Korean American to train at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London) Bokyun Chun (the upcoming indie
film Helium, JAG,Another World regular), Julie Neumark (recurring role
on Lifetime's Oh Baby), Kipp Shiotani (ER, Frasier, JAG), Tuan Tran (Paramount's upcoming Rules of Engagement, X-FILES), Ogie Zulueta (Hamlet, One West Waikiki regular) and Yuria Kim (City of Angels, Caroline in the City).
Sets are designed by Academy Award winning filmmaker Chris Tashima -- who has also won Dramalogue and Ovation Awards for his set designing (Into The Woods & Sweeney Todd, respectively), costumes by Cindy Nam (TEXAS), lighting by Gerry Linsangan (resident artist at Playwright's Arena, Here And Now, Lodestone) , and sound design by Ovation Award nominee Miles Ono (Sweeney Todd, The Legend - a James Ingram/Debbie Allen project, Heading East).
Philip W. Chung has written for numerous publications, theatre and television. His plays have been performed at the John Anson Ford Amphitheatre, East West Players, the Los Angeles Theatre Center, the Unity Arts Center and the UNESCO Congress and Theatre of Nations Festival in Seoul, Korea. His writing credits include the play Yellow Face and the television series Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. Philip was one of the co-founders of the Society of Heritage Performers/Lodestone Theatre Ensemble. He is currently leading a playwriting workshop for the Asian American Writers Workshop.
Director Eric Byler states, "If there's one thing that draws me to Philip's
writing, it's his honesty-- his uncompromising willingness to reveal."
According to Lodestone co-founder, Pyong Chil Kong, "Laughter Joy & Loneliness & Sex & Sex & Sex & Sex is a remarkable personal play about relationships. The discovery of how we seek and need and love, yet in many cases never know how to express them: these emotions that we hardly understand, these feelings we so fear. It is this tackling of difficult emotions that make this play a perfect selection for our first production in the year 2000. Asian Pacific stories no longer need to express themselves within Asia but as humans, as individuals, as universally flawed men and women."
Performances for Laughter Joy & Loneliness & Sex & Sex & Sex & Sex are April 6-30, Thursday through Saturday evenings at 8 p.m. and Sunday matinees at 2 p.m. General ticket prices are $13. Senior and student ticket prices are $11. Group ticket prices (10 or more) are $10. At Los Angeles Theatre Center, 514 S. Spring St., downtown L.A. Patrons can purchase tickets for the show by calling the LATC box office directly at (213) 485-1681. Patrons can also get more information about the show by calling the Society of Heritage Performers/Lodestone Theatre Ensemble Hotline at 323/993-7245, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
SHP/Lodestone Theatre Ensemble is an Asian American company with a mission to develop, create, promote and present edgy, compelling and impassioned works that bridge communities through truthful and entertaining artistry.
Village Theatre (Issaquah, WA)
Making Tracks
Music by Woody Pak
Book and Lyrics by Brian Yorkey
April 13-30, 2000
See News story!
Stanford Asian American Theatre Project
A Workshop Production
Written by Peter Tamaribuchi
Directed by John Lim
April 27-29, 2000
Prosser Studio (Backstage of MemAud)
Thursday 8PM
Friday 8PM
Saturday 2PM and 7PM
"A riveting dark comedy."
Half Lives is high school drama in the 1980's. Slap Bracelets. Dungeon's and Dragons. Rambo. Themes: type-casting, generational conflicts, WWII internment camps, Hamlet, dating, friendship, and above all, DRAMA.
For Tix: $3 student/ $5 general. (Email Michael Chang: mchang34@leland.stanford.edu)
GENSeng (NY)
Eating Chicken Feet
by Kitty Chen
R.A.W. 'Cause I'm a Woman
by Diana Son
April 28, 2000
GENseng, State University of NY-GENeseo's Asian American Play Reading Series, will perform a staged reading of Kitty Chen's comedy EATING CHICKEN FEET and Diana Son's R.A.W. 'Cause I'm a Woman on Friday, April 28, 2000 at 4:00 p.m. in the Robert Sinclair Theatre on the SUNY-Geneseo campus. Admission is free. The reading will be directed by Randy Barbara Kaplan.
Emerald Rain Productions (Bay Area)
by Dominic Mah
featuring music by Gaby Alter & Sam Dorman
directed by Bahati Bonner
April 6 to 15, 2000
Open Arts Circle
530 E. 8th St. (at 6th Avenue, near Laney College)
Oakland, CA
April 21 to May 6, 2000
Renaissance Ballroom
285 Ellis (between Mason and Taylor)
San Francisco, CA
(2 blocks from Powell BART)
At last! A show for everyone who likes/hates boy bands, reality-based TV, karaoke bars, dotcom culture, high school proms, and dysfunctional romances.
Ilana Berman * Tina Chilip * Rebecca Fureigh * Meggy Hai * Ian Jurcso * Ashley Kelly * Slater Penney * Euclides Pereyra * Sally Peterson * Sarah Wescott
ITGIRL is the latest show from the Bay Area's pre-eminent rock musical theater company, Emerald Rain Productions. It takes place over one night at a San Francisco high school prom, at which a ragtag band of overdressed teenagers and their "adult" chaperones must navigate a treacherous path towards love and true adulthood. Along the way they confront the boy band from hell, a multinational soft drink company, numerous natural disasters and the apocalyptic arrival of the mysterious Itgirl." ERP is responsible for such recent productions as "Birthday Cake," "Earth Verses," and "Southland." Vapor Tales took home the 1998 Bay Area Theater Critics Circle Award for Best Score.
Coming Soon to Both Sides of the Bay!
Pay What You Can Preview Thursday, April 6
Opens Friday, April 7 (sushi & sake reception follows!)
all shows 8 pm
$12 general, $8 students, seniors, TBA members
for info and reservations please call (510) 982-0433
for more info go to www.emeraldrain.com
East West Players (LA)
a nickel's worth
by Jason Fong
directed by John Miyasaki
May 11, 2000
Adoption Agent: "A very tranquil demeanor..."
Jared: - she was described as by the gray-haired man, who sat down in his revolving chair to complete the proper forms.
Dow: "A child with a troubled past..."
Jared: ...is what my father said as he looked over the records of this small stranger.
Elsa: "A daughter..."
Jared: ...is what my mother said as she gently stroked the hair of this young girl who stood in front of her. She never spoke a single word...until now...
Thursday May 11. 2000 7:30 p.m.
"a nickel's worth" was developed in East West Players' David Henry Hwang Writers Institute.
The Writers Gallery Reading Series is at the Japanese American National Museum, 369 E. 1st Street in Little Tokyo (at Central, right around the corner from EWP). The readings are free, but please call 213.625.0414 to make reservations.
East West Players The Nation's First and Foremost Asian Pacific AmericanTheatre
213.625.7000 / www.eastwestplayers.org / info@eastwestplayers.org
Lost Vegas Acts
book by Cherlene Lee
music by Donald Wescoat
in concert Saturdays & Sundays
April 1 & 2 - 8pm
April 8 & 9 - 8pm
Reading at San José Repertory Theatre's
New America Playwrights Festival at Villa Montalvo in Saratoga, California,
Saturday May 20, 2000
LOST VEGAS ACTS is a play with music which moves back and forth in time, exploring the youthful experiences of 3 Chinese American sisterschild performers in a Las Vegas nightclub act during the 1960sand how those experiences affect the lives of the adult sisters in the present. In the opening number, the young Lee Sisters (Alice 14, Annie 12, and Amy 8) are performing a song from the1960's act which is intercut with monologues from their adult counterparts in the present. The oldest, Alice, is running for mayor of Los Angeles; the middle sister, Annie, is a dissatisfied working class housewife; and the youngest, Amy, still lives in the world of the old sister act, dreaming of being a star.
More info is at http://www.bullseye.org/lostvegasacts/
Game of Life
by Suz Takeda
April 10, 2000 [produced by Asian American Theatre Co. (SF)]
May 19 & 20, 2000 [produced by Suz Productions and the Oakland Asian Cultural Center]

San Francisco - Asian American Theater Company presents a reading of Game of Life, written and performed by Suz Takeda. The reading will be held on Monday, April 10th at 7:00 p.m., at JCCCNC, 1840 Sutter Street, between Webster and Buchanan in the Japantown neighborhood of San Francisco.
***WANTED!!! BCJAF (Bicultural J.A. female) seeks personal identity,with along-lasting and loving relationship. A sense of humor is a must!*****
In her solo debut, "Game of Life," a wacky psychic uses a board game to channel psychic energies to help SUZ examine her personal/cultural identity. SUZ spins the wheel, moves three spaces ahead and enters the "Game of Life". Through vignettes and monologues about: Psychic Hotlines, Japan Pop, Oakland, The Brady Bunch and Soul Train, we all become players in this "Game of Life" that SUZ brings to the stage.
SUZ TAKEDA is a Bay Area performer and writer. Among her credits, she has worked with Asian American Theater Company, BRAVA! Women for the Arts, Asiantics, and in several local comedy skit groups. She is a grant recipient of AT&T/Asian American Arts Foundation Theater Grant, The City of Oakland Cultural Arts Funding, and CASH -a grants program of Theatre Bay Area designed by artists for artists.
"Game of Life" will be presented at the Oakland Asian Cultural Center on May 19 & 20 (Fri/Sat) @ 8 p.m.
Asian American Theatre Co.
Close Encounters of the 3rd World
by 18mmw and Latina Theater Lab
April 27-May 14, 2000 (previews April 21-23, 26)
Conceived and written by: Latina Theater Lab, The 18 Mighty MountainWarriors, Culture Clash and AATC.
Performed by: Latina Theater Lab, The 18 Mighty Mountain Warriors, and AATC. Four culturally diverse performance groups come together to create a lighthearted look at life in America in CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD WORLD, a collaborative new work produced by Asian American Theater Company and Asian Pacific Islander Cultural Center, in association with Latina Theater Lab, Culture Clash, and the 18 Mighty Mountain Warriors.
SEE: a Puerto Rican woman undergo the harsh rigors of Geisha Girl training. WITNESS: cultural collision in a wedding between an Asian and Latina.
VIEW: Latina and Asian male bonding!
WHEN: Previews: April 21, 22, 23, 26
Opens: Thursday, April 27
Closes: Sunday, May 14
TICKETS: Previews, $8
SHOWTIMES: Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays at 8:00pm
Sundays at 7:00pm
WHERE: SomArts Cultural Center
934 Brannan Street
San Francisco
TICKETS: Thursdays and Sundays $16
Fridays, $19
Saturdays, $22
PARKING: Street Parking available.
Student, senior and group rates are available. For tickets and information, the public may call AATC at 415-440-5545, email us at aatc@wenet.net or visit www.wenet.net/~aatc
P.O. Box 590356
San Francisco, CA 94159-0356

In Mixed Company
Righteous Babe
May 11 to 14, 2000
Righteous Babe" from May 11-14 @ P.S. 122, 150 First Ave. @ 8:30PM all nights. It's an evening of modern dance set to the music of Ani DiFranco. Tickets are $15 and can be obtained @ 212-477-5288 or online at http://www.ps122.org.
Ma-Yi Theatre (NYC)
L'il Brown Brothers
by Chris Millado
April 28 onward
Ma-Yi Theatre Company and the Asia Society present the world premiere of "L'il Brown Brothers," by Chris Millado.
"In 1904, at the St. Louis World's Exposition, visitors marvel at the Ferris Wheel and the first-ever ice cream cone. At the Philippine Pavilion, over one thousand indigenous tribespeople are on display as savages. This is their story."
"L'il Brown Brothers," begins previews on April 28, 2000 at the Grove Street Playhouse in New York City.
Conceived, written, and performed by BRENDA WONG AOKI
With original music composed and performed by MARK IZU
Saratoga, Villa Montalvo - Friday, March 17th @ 8pm
New Orleans, Freeport McMoran Theater - Friday & Sat, March 23-24th @ 8pm
Los Angeles, Japan American Theater - Sunday, April 30th @ 7pm
Palm Desert, McCallum Theater - Thursday, May 25th @ 7pm
Brenda Wong Aoki will perform a special limited engagement of UNCLE GUNJIRO'S GIRLFRIEND - a duet for storyteller and acoustic bass. Aoki is accompanied by award winning composer and musician Mark Izu with a haunting original score. Aoki, a National Endowment for the Arts Fellow, is the recipient of four Dramalogue Awards for her original work, a Critic's Circle Award, an ASCAP special award for innovative libretto and is acclaimed as one of the top solo performers in the country.
The TRUE story of the first Japanese/Caucasian marriage in California
A secret family shame is unraveled to reveal an incredible tale of forbidden love. In 1909, Brenda Wong Aoki's great uncle Gunjiro, son of a legendary samurai, fell in love with Helen Gladys Emery, the daughter of the Archdeacon of San Francisco's Grace Cathedral. Their announced engagement, triggered a media blitz of yellow peril headlines, provoked public outrage, death threats and culminated in the loss of Ms. Emery's citizenship. Uncle Gunjiro's Girlfriend tells the tale of their epic love and its impact on descendants three generations later.
For More information: http://www.firstvoice.org/stories.html
Court Theatre (Chicago)
Ladies at a Game of Poem Cards
March 17 to May 28, 1999
Court Theatre, a professional, equity company in Chicago will be producing Fair Ladies at a Game of Poem Cards from March 17 to May 28, 2000. A brief description can be found at http://courttheatre.uchicago.edu/99season.html#fair. This play is a Peter Oswald adaptation of Kaoyo Utagaruta, a Bunraku play
by Chikamatsu Monzaemon.
InterACT (Sacramento, CA)
by Elizabeth Wong
Directed by Sonny Alforque
May 5 to 28, 2000
The first American play to respond to the Tiananmen massacre, LETTERS TO A STUDENT REVOLUTIONARY will be presented by InterACT. The cast includes Bernadette Ang, Kyla Aquino, Brian Doan, Eric Fong, Katrina Ordonio and Israel Serrato. Further details available at the InterACT website: iact.tripod.com.
Broadway Playhouse, 4010 El Camino Avenue, Sacramento, CA
May 5-28, 2000
Friday and Saturdays at 8 PM
Sunday matinees on May 14, 21 & 28 at 3 PM
Tickets $10-12
Information and Tickets, call (916) 452-6174
teatro ng tanan (Bay Area)
May 12 to May 27, 2000
A moving performance piece exploring the mind of thoughts forgotten.
When: Friday, May 12th thru Saturday, May 27th
Thursdays thru Saturday nights at 8pm
Where: Bindlestiff Studio 185 6th street (at Howard in San Francisco)
Tickets: $12 general -- $10 seniors & students w/ID (cash only)
Reserve: 415.974.1167 or email: bindlestiffstudio@excite.com
State of Asian America Theater (SF)
tongue in A Mood's
on May 25th and 26th
Kip Fulbeck's
on May 27th and 28th.
First up is TONGUE IN A MOOD. An irreverent Pilipino American experimental comedy group, tongue in A mood, brings you "Tsinelas Ballet" -- a collection of past, present, and future scenarios orchestrated in a place where the graceful meet the gawky, the classy collide with the klutzy, and where "chic" is a disco band from the 70s. Whatever hyperbole you choose, you are sure to have a good time with these psycho-delic futuristic Pilipino vaudevillians ready to tiptoe into your subconscience.
Next comes KIP FULBECK. Slam poet,video artist, and pop-culture provocateur Kip Fulbeck brings his hilarious one-man show, I Hope You Don't Mind Me Asking, But... to San Francisco. Having performed to standing ovations across the country, Fulbeck improvises his way through single, straight, Hapa male life - all the while exposing bizarre relatives, Bananas, Rice Chasers (male and female!), and David Carradine's secret to pretending you're Asian!
NWAAT (Seattle)
A-Fest 2000
May 2000
Including the Pork Filled Players
Now For Something Just a Bit Different
May 26 and 27, 10:30 pm
Something a bit different from your favorite madcap maniacs, mixing in some short plays, including the Northwest premiere of David Henry Hwang's Trying to Find Chinatown, in with the usual brand of lunacy.
Complete AFest schedule
May 4-7/11-14, Traces
May 18, 19 LOUD and Degenerate Art Ensemble (aka Young Composers
May 20 Queer Asian Arts Extravaganza
May 21 Seattle Kokon Taiko
May 25, 26 Cry of the Rooster Theater and Andrew Kim with Andy McCormick
May 26, 27 Pork Filled Players
May 27 Cambodian Youth Project
May 27, 28 Ku'ulei Miura, Michael Sakamoto and Cheronne Wong
More information here!
Four Seasons
June 2 and 3, 2000
See News story.
Dream of the Red Chamber
By Henry Ong
May 20, 2000
June 11, 2000
The first known English-language stage adaptation of the Chinese classic, Dream of the Red Chamber" will be presented as a six-hour play in two parts in the Los Angeles Public Library's Central Library in Downtown Los Angeles. Two staged readings, each three hours long, are scheduled on Saturday, May 20, 2 p.m. (Part I) and Sunday, June 11, 2 p.m. (Part II). Written and directed by playwright Henry Ong, the adaptation based on the novel by Ts'ao Hsüeh-ch'in, tells a story intertwined with realism and the supernatural. Although epic in scope with its 30 major and 400 minor characters, the plot is at once a family history, a lively comedy of manners and a moral fable. Revolving around two central characters, Pao-yu and Black Jade, it details the decline of the Chia family during the early Ching Dynasty (1644-1912). The readings involve a cast of 20 actors playing more than 70 roles. Limited seating. Reservations recommended. Call (213) 228-7507.
Yangtze Repertory Theatre (NYC)
The Naked Earth
by Eileen Chang
adapted by Evans Chan
June 1 to 11, 2000

Peeling the Banana (NYC)
Tokens?: The NYC Asian American Experience on Stage
June 7, 8, 2000
NYC's own Asian American writing and performance group Peeling the Banana celebrates their 5-year history with a dynamic staged reading of classic work and new works-in-progress. The reading celebrates the publication of Tokens?: The NYC Asian American Experience on Stage" by the Asian American Writers&Mac226; Workshop. $8. June 7-8, The PuffinRoom, 435 Broome St (Broadway) @ 7:30 PM. Limited seating! For reservations, email peelingthebanana@yahoo.com.
The Japanese American National Museum (LA)
a reading of
The Golden Hour
a new play by Philip W. Chung
June 8, 2000 7:30 pm
A drama about maintaining faith in a faithless world.
Directed by Chil Kong
With: Victoria Fang, Daniel Dae Kim, Yuria Kim, Emily Liu, Paul Ramsay, Peter Wong, Ryun Yu
Japanese American National Museum, 369 E. First St. (between San Pedro/Judge John Aiso St. and Alameda), downtown Los Angeles
Free admission, but please RSVP: (213) 625-0414.
This is a reading of a work-in-progress presented as part of JANM's Thursday evening performance series.
In celebration of its 10th Anniversary Season
A Phoenix Too Frequent
by Christopher Fry
Starring: Michi Barall, Joel Carino, Mia Katigbak
with a reprise of our very first production:
The Harmfulness of Tobacco
by Anton Chekhov
Starring: James Saito
Directed by: Stephen Stout
The Mint Theatre
311 West 43rd Street, 5th floor
Wednesday-Saturday at 8:00
Saturday & Sunday at 3:00
through June 17
Reservations: (718) 623-1672
East Los Angeles Actors Company
Peformance Anxiety
by Vernon Takashita
May 12 to June 18, 2000
A revival of the award winning production directed again by Alberto Isaac-- a sexy, steamy farce which garnered five Dramalogue Awards and two LA Weekly
Entertainment Today "... a pagan paean to.. the itch that makes the world go round..."
Daily Variety: "...a bitingly funny farce..."
PERFORMANCE ANXIETY is a roller coaster ride following the antics of a sexually confused middle class doctor, his repressed sex pot wife, and a young hunk desperately trying to recreate that one "special" sexual moment from years gone by.
May 12 - June 18, 2000
Previews May 10 and May 11, 2000
East LA Actors Company
Little Theater
1301 Cesar Chavez
Monterey Park, CA 91754
Fridays and Saturdays at 8pm, Sundays at 3:30pm
From Los Angeles: Take the 60 Freeway East to Atlantic Boulevard, go North on Atlantic Boulevard, (turn left). Turn Left on Cesar Chavez Av, then a right on N Collegian. Parking lot located off of North Collegian.
See your favorite actors! Here is their performance schedule:
- May 10 through May 14: Original Cast - Francois Chau, Kimiko Gelman, Greg Watanabe, Marianne Fritz, Raul Cordova.
- May 19 through May 21: Jennifer Lynn fills in for Kimiko Gelman.
- May 26 through May 28: Original Cast
- June 1 through June 4: Ed You fills in for Francois Chau.
- June 9 - June 11: Ian Shen fills in for Greg Watanabe
- June 16 - June 18: Original Cast
Tickets $15.00, Student $10.00
Reservations: 323-260-8166
Information: 323-665-1590
Usher and see the show for free! There are limited number of ushering/house management slots open, please call Irma at 323-665-1590 to sign up!
Group Sales available
SHP/Lodestone Theatre Ensemble presents...
The next installment in the Yellow Box Development Series
Tartuffe or, The Imposter
by Moliere
Monday, June 12th 8:00 p.m.
at the Gascon Center Theatre
8737 Washington Bl.
Culver City, CA
Free admission, but RSVPs strongly suggested: (323) 993-7245 or e-mail: SHPLodestone@aol.com
Elmire's household is in turmoil. Tartuffe (the Impostor), under the guise of a religious zealot has wormed his way into the confidence of Elmire's husband, Orgon. Elmire and the rest of the household must convince Orgon of Tartuffe's duplicity before all is lost!
Directed by Robert Shinso
With (in alphabetical order): Jennifer Aquino, Michelle Ingkavet, Elaine Kao, Tony Lee, Susan Pereira, Kipp Shiotani, Allison Sie, Ogie Zulueta
Lodestone Theatre Ensemble is an Asian American theatre company formed to develop, create, promote and present edgy, compelling and impassioned works that bridge communities through truthful and entertaining artistry.
San Diego Asian American Repertory Theatre
with San Diego Black Ensemble & The Fritz Theatre
Fool for Love
by Sam Shepherd
May 12 to June 14, 2000
Cold Tofu (LA)
Tofu Goes Hollywood
June 9 to 19, 2000
Cold Tofu, the nation's first Asian American improvisational theatre company, founded in 1981, presents TOFU GOES HOLLYWOOD at TheatreTheater, Pacific Theatre Building, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., 4th Floor (between Wilcox and Cahuenga), Los Angeles, CA 90028. Continuing the celebration of Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month, TOFU GOES HOLLYWOOD runs for two weekends from June 9 through June 18.
A combination of daring improvisation and uproarious sketch comedy, TOFU GOES HOLLYWOOD is a unique escapade of hilarious proportions.
Featuring special guest performers from LA Theatresports, Brian Lohmann and Tracy Burns, this production is codirected by Helen Ota and Robert Covarrubias.
The performers for TOFU GOES HOLLYWOOD include (in alphabetical order), Corinne Chooey, Robert Covarrubias, James Huang, Phil Nee, Tom Oshiro, Helen Ota, Zakiyah Reagan, Allen Simpson, and Aaron Takahashi.
Performances for TOFU GOES HOLLYWOOD are Friday and Saturday evenings at 8 pm and Sunday matinees at 3 pm. General ticket prices are $15 and $10 for students and seniors. Tickets are available now by calling 213-739-4142.
Saturday, June 17
(Adults also welcome!)
Asian Pacific Islander Cultural Center Theater Festival, in association with Asian American Theater Company, and the Japanese Community Cultural Center of Northern California, presents
Singer/songwriter/storyteller Charlie Chin has been involved in the Asian American music and theater scene for over 30 years. He began his performance career in the 1970s as a member of Grain of Sand, a musical group that addressed Asian American identity and political consciousness. A renowned author of children's books and founder of Jataka Puppet Theater, Charlie will perform "The Monkey's Wife." Fun activities for children will be conducted before and after the performance.
Saturday, June 17, 10 am
JCCCNC, 1840 Sutter Street (@ Webster), San Francisco
Admission: $10 adults, $5 children under 12
For info/reservations call: 415-440-5545
E-mail: aatc@wenet.net
Web site: www.wenet/~aatc
The United States of Asian America Festival 2000 is the third annual performance series in what we hope becomes an Asian Pacific Islander Cultural Center tradition of presenting and promoting new and diverse performances. APICC exists to support and nurture the artistic endeavors of the Asian Pacific Islander community in the Bay Area.
Asian American Theater Company was founded in 1973 as a playwrights' workshop sponsored by the American Conservatory Theater. The company is dedicated to the production of New American plays by dramatists of Asian Pacific Islander descent.
East West Players (LA)
The June/2000 David Henry Hwang Writers Institute Readings
paper or plastic?
new plays to go...
wednesday june 14, 2000 7:30 p.m.
los angelas
by lorely trinidad directed by annette lee
right door, left door
by ruby ogawa directed by mark jue
by teru k. sheehan directed by rodney kageyama
monday june 19, 7:30 p.m.
earthquake weather
by pia clemente directed by trieu tran
shadow dance of a mosquito boxer
by ed ramolete directed by alberto isaac
tuesday june 20, 7:30 p.m.
camera shy
by gary kuwahara directed by deborah nishimura
by daniel cariaga directed by ogie zulueta
the villainess
by sherie yang directed by reggie lee
wednesday june 21, 7:30 p.m.
of dreams, mangoes & rycroft street
by benjamin lum performed by benjamin lum
perceived (and short scenes)
by benjamin lum directed by radmar jao
All readings are at the David Henry Hwang Theatre at the Union Center for the Arts
120 N. Judge John Aiso Street (formerly San Pedro Street)
Little Tokyo (between Temple and First Streets)
Suggested donation: $5
This program made possible, in part, by a grant from the James Irvine Foundation.
East West Players (LA)
book by James Goldman,
and music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim
May 17 to June 11, 2000
Extended to June 25!
Directed by Tim Dang, FOLLIES opens on May 17 and closes on June 11, 2000. The most beautiful and dreamed about musical entertainment stars which defined the popular culture between the two World Wars. This story is about what happened to these women since their shining moment and what has happened to their American dreams they symbolized for a generation. The action of the show takes place at their theatre, now scheduled for demolition, when a group of Follies girls reunite for a party thirty years after the theatre closed its doors.
NoHo Festival
Peanut Butter
by Felix Racelis
June 24 and 25, 2000
Felix Racelis's one-act comedy, "Peanut Butter," about a dysfunctional Chinese-American restaurateur family, will be performed during the NoHo International Theatre & Arts Festival 2000, June 24 and 25, as part of "Home Life/Melting Pot" and "Bad Girls at Play." For more info on these presentations, please call (323) 662-6861.
Felix's one-act "Woof," a dramedy about a father and his sex surrogate daughter, continues Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays at 8 pm through July 2, as part of the Kitchen Khronicles at the Tamarind Theatre, 5919 Franklin Ave., Hollywood. Reservations & info: 213/892-6825.
Theatre Creatures Stage Co. (Seattle)
by Daniel Arreola
June 24, 2000
Theatre Creatures Stage Co. would like to invite you to a reading of, "FACADE: A play of wit, love, and alcohol"! The reading of this new one-act play written by Daniel Arreola and directed by Kathy Hseih will be presented with the talents of Richard Sloniker, Colleen Parker, and Serin Ngai.
"FACADE: A play of wit, love, and alcohol" will be presented at Theatre Off Jackson (409 7th Ave. S.) in Seattle's International District on June 24th, 2000 at 8pm! It is pay-what-you-want at the door. We Hope to see you there!
A special (predominantly) Asian-cast version of
Henrik Ibsen's
Friday @ 8PM, Saturday @ 8PM and Sunday @ 2PM
from May 19th through June 17th
additional Saturday, June 27th matinee @ 2PM
Jo Chim (Nora)
Ming Lo (Torvald)
Nancy Long (Mrs. Linde)
Vic Chao (Krogstad)
Amos Cowson(Dr. Rank)
Chan Phung (Anne-Marie/Helene)
Clarissa Ngo (Nora Understudy)
Tohoru Masamune (Torvald Understudy)
at the Morgan-Wixson Theater
2627 Pico Blvd. just east of 26th St. in Santa Monica
310 828-7519
tickets are $12
group rates and industry comps are available
if you're coming by, give me a buzz or e-mail and let me know,
Theater Mu (Minneapolis)
Daughters of the Philipines
Two new one-act plays
Export Quality
by Sandra Augustin
Filipino Sisters
by Lia Rivamonte
June 2 to June 25, 2000

premieres HIGH
June 8-25, 2000
Thursdays through Sundays at 7:30 PM with Sunday matinees at 2:30 PM
(Approximate running time- 65 minutes, no intermission)
Box office- 212-475-7710, $15, group rates available with discounts for students and seniors.
"What does a bamboo flute musician dressed like Jimi Hendrix, an operatic creature in a loin cloth, and a psuedo-fascist subway robocop all have in common?"
Come and experience this brand new original SLANT-style musical to find out!
(With direction by Ron Nakahara)
(Lighting design by Mike Kang)
*P.S.- If you want to see the very cool & colorful picture postcard of
HIGH via the web, write back to slantgroup@webtv.net
E-mail to gwangung@u.washington.edu
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