support your local Asian American theatre group. (Last looked at
1/5/14) (which, given my schedule and motivations, means I diddled a
bit with it, but not completely, so there might be some things...ummm,
LOTS of things....that slipped by....).
There's also an Addresses page, with addresses or telephone numbers listed for easy access!
E-mail listservs serving Asian American drama people by region
aa-drama AT yahoogroups.com
asianamericanplaywrights AT yahoogroups.com
aatheater AT yahoogroups.com
Professional/Community Groups
Active Groups (by region)
- Arizona Asian Theater Co. (Phoenix, AZ)
Alan Tang (no relation)(I think) artistic director
California, Northern
- Asian American Dance Performances (San Francisco, CA)
- Asian American Theater Company (San Francisco, CA)
- Bindlestiff Studio (San Francisco, CA) Filipino Arts
- Community Asian Theatre of the Sierras (Nevada City, CA) (betcha you didn't know there was Asian American theatre in the Sierras, did you?)
- Contemporary Asian Theater Scene (San Jose, CA)
- EnActe Arts (Palo Alto, CA)
- Eth-Noh-Tec Asian American Storytellers
e-mail is ethnohtec (AT) aol.com
- Ferocious Lotus (San Francisco, CA)
- Interactive Asian Contemporary Theatre (InterACT), Sacramento, CA
The group formerly known as Asian Pacific Theatre Project
- Krea (Bay Area, CA)
- LocusArts (San Francisco, CA)
- NAATAK (Bay Area Indian Theater, Bay Area, CA)
- Sinag-tala Filipino Performing Arts Association (Sacramento, CA)
- Taste Better Wit (San Francisco)
- Theater of the Yugen (San Francisco)
Eamail at yurikodoi (AT) aol.com
- Youth for Asian Theatre (San Francisco, CA)
California, Southern
Artists at Play (Los Angeles, CA)
- Asian American Repertory Theatre (San Diego, CA)
email at info (AT) asianamericanrep.org
- Asian Story Theatre (San Diego, CA)
Contact Gingerlily Lowe
- Club O' Noodles (Southern CA) Vietnamese drama and sketch comedy.
- Cold Tofu (Los Angeles, CA); improv AA comedy, still kicking!
- East West Players (Los Angeles, CA)
- 18 Mighty Mountain Warriors (Los Angeles, CA)
- Great Leap (Los Angeles, CA)
- Here and Now (Southern CA) revised
- Imerg Inc. (touring)
- Lapu, the coyote that Cares, UCLA's first Asian American theatre ensemble
(well, they get the promotion from the college groups, seeing that they've lasted longer than some professional groups)
- Mo'olelo Performing Arts Company (San Diego, CA)
- OPM (Los Angeles, CA)
- ProperGander (Los Angeles, CA)
- Room to Improv (Los Angeles, CA) Improv comedy
- TEADA Productions/Kalo Projects (Los Angeles, CA Hawai'i group)
e-mail is at TEADA (AT) aol.com
- Asian Canadian Writers' Workshop (Canada)
- Asiansploitation (Toronto, Canada)
- Assaulted Fish (Vancouver, BC)
- Cahoots Theatre Project (Toronto, Canada)
cahoots (AT) interlog.com
- fu-GEN Theatre Company (Toronto, Canada)
- My Theatre Company Society (Vancouver, CA)
- Rasik Arts, South Asian Theatre (Toronto, Canada)
rasikarts (AT) yahoo.com
- Scripting Aloud (Vancouver, BC)
Facebook page also available
- TF Productions (Vancouver, BC)
- Theatre Replacement (Vancouver, BC)
- Vancouver Asian Canadian Theatre (Vancouver, BC)
- APASI, Asian Pacific American Scene, Inc. (Tampa, FL)
- Asian Film & Theatre (Atlanta, GA)
- Pan-Asian American Artists of Kansas City (Kansas City, KS)
(formerly Kansas City Pan Asian American Artist Group)
New York
- Asian American Performers Action Coalition (NYC, NY)
- Cuchipinoy Productions (New York City, NY)
info at info@cuchipinoy.com
- Desipina Productions (NYC, NY)
- Disha Theatre (New York City, NY) South Asian theatre group
- eyeBLINK Entertainment (New York City, NY)
- Fluid Motion Theatre & Film (New York City, NY)
- Four Seas Players (New York City, NY)
- GENSeng (Geneseo, NY)
- Imua! Theatre Co. (New York City, NY)
- In Mixed Company, a performing arts group, New York City, NY
e-mail is inmixedcompany@hotmail.com
- Leviathan Lab (New York City, NY)
- MAD Playhouse Theater (New York, NY)
- Ma-Yi Theatre Ensemble (New York City, NY)
Email: mayistage@aol.com
- Mellow Yellow Theatre (New York City, NY)
- National Asian American Theatre Company (New York City, NY) new web site!
- Pan Asian Repertory Theatre (New York City, NY)
- Rising Circle (New York City, NY) devoted to actors of color
- SALAAM (New York City, NY), South Asian theatre group
South Asian League of Artists in America
- Second Generation Productions (New York City, NY)
- Slant (New York City, NY), New York City's hit musical satire trio.
- Spookfish Theatre Company (New York City, NY)
- Yangtze Repertory Theatre of America (New York City, NY)
Washington, DC
- APIAN (Washington, DC)
- Awaaz
(formerly known as ARTH) (Washington, DC) South Asian American theatre
group based out of Georgetown University )
- MuseFire Productions (Washington, DC)
Active groups (alphabetically)
- A Squared Theatre Workshop (Chicago, IL)
Arizona Asian Theater Co. (Phoenix, AZ)
Alan Tang (no relation)(I think) artistic director
- Aono Jikken Ensemble (Seattle, WA)
- APASI, Asian Pacific American Scene, Inc. (Tampa, FL)
- APIAN (Washington, DC)
- Artists at Play (Los Angeles, CA)
- Asian American Dance Performances (SF, CA)
- Asian American Performers Action Coalition (NYC, NY)
- Asian American Repertory Theatre (Stockton)
- Asian American Repertory Theatre (San Diego)
email at info@asianamericanrep.org
- Asian American Theater Company (San Francisco)
- Asian Canadian Writers' Workshop (Canada)
- Asian Arts Initiative (Philadelphia, PA)
- Asian Film & Theatre (Atlanta, GA)
- Asian Story Theatre (San Diego)
Contact Gingerlily Lowe
- Asiansploitation (Toronto, Canada)
- Assaulted Fish (Vancouver, BC)
- Awaaz (formerly known as ARTH) (Washington, DC) South Asian American theatre group
based out of Georgetown University
- Bindlestiff Studio (San Francisco, CA) Filipino Arts
- Cahoots Theatre Project (Toronto, Canada)
- CIRCAPintig (Chicago, IL)
- Community Asian Theatre of the Sierras (Nevada City, CA) (betcha you didn't know there was Asian American theatre in the Sierras, did you?)
- Club O' Noodles (Southern CA) Vietnamese drama and sketch comedy.
- Cold Tofu (Los Angeles, CA); improv AA comedy, still kicking!
- Contemporary Asian Theater Scene (San Jose, CA)
- Cuchipinoy Productions (New York City, NY)
info at info@cuchipinoy.com
- Desipina Productions (NYC, NY)
- Disha Theatre (New York City, NY) South Asian theatre group
- Diwa Theatre Company (Dallas, TX)
- Due East (Chicago, IL)
- East West Players (Los Angeles)
- 18 Mighty Mountain Warriors (Los Angeles, CA)
- EnActe Arts (Palo Alto, CA)
- Eth-Noh-Tec Asian American Storytellers
e-mail is ethnohtec@aol.com
- eyeBLINK Entertainment (New York City, NY)
- Ferocious Lotus (San Francisco, CA)
- Fluid Motion Theatre & Film (New York City, NY)
- Four Seas Players (New York City, NY)
- fu-GEN Theatre Company (Toronto, Canada)
- GENseng (Geneseo, NY)
- Great Leap (LA)
- Hawaii Actors Network (Hawaii)
- Here and Now (touring) revised
- Imerg Inc. (touring)
- Imua! Theatre Co. (New York City, NY)
- Interactive Asian Contemporary Theatre (InterACT), Sacramento, CA
The group formerly known as Asian Pacific Theatre Project
- In Mixed Company, a performing arts group, New York City, NY
e-mail is inmixedcompany@hotmail.com
- Isangmahal (Seattle, WA) Spoken word
- Jump Start Production Company (San Antonio, TX)
- Pan-Asian American Artists of Kansas City (Kansas City, KS)
- Krea (Bay Area, CA)
- Kuma Kahua Theatre (Hawaii)
- Lapu, the coyote that Cares, UCLA's first Asian American theatre ensemble
e-mail at lcc.staff@gmail.com
- Leviathan Lab (New York City, NY)
- Locus (SF, CA)
- Loose Screws (Hawaii)
- Lucky Chaos Theatre Projects (Austin, TX)
- MAD Playhouse Theater (New York, NY)
- Ma-Yi Theatre Ensemble (New York City, NY)
Email: mayistage@aol.com
- Mellow Yellow Theatre (New York City, NY)
- Mixed Blood Theatre Company (Minneapolis)
- Mo'olelo Performing Arts Company (San Diego, CA)
- Mu Performing Arts (formerly Theater Mu) (Minneapolis)
- MuseFire Productions (Washington, DC)
- My Theatre Company Society (Vancouver, CA)
- NAATAK (Bay Area Indian Theater, Bay Area)
- National Asian American Theatre Company (New York City, NY)
(NAATCO) - OPM (Los Angeles)
- Pan Asian Repertory Theatre (New York City, NY)
- Pangea World Theater (Minneapolis, MN)
- Pork Filled Players /Pork Filled Productions (Seattle, WA)
- Pratidhwani (Seattle, WA)
- ProperGander (Los Angeles, CA)
- Rainier Valley Youth Theatre (Seattle, WA)
- Rasaka Theatre (Chicago, IL) The Midwest's first South Asian American theatre group
- Rasik Arts, South Asian Theatre (Toronto, Canada)
- ReACT (Seattle)
- Rising Circle (New York City, NY) devoted to actors of color
- Room to Improv (Los Angeles, CA) Improv comedy
- SALAAM (New York City, NY), South Asian theatre group
South Asian League of Artists in America
A report is here
- Scripting Aloud (Vancouver, BC)
Facebook page also available
- Second Generation Productions (New York City, NY)
- Shunya Theatre (Houston, TX) Indian America theatre
- Silk Road Rising (formerly known as) Silk Road Theatre Project (Chicago, IL)
- Sinag-tala Filipino Performing Arts Association (Sacramento, CA)
- SIS Productions (Seattle) Sex in Seattle continuing soap opera
- Slant (New York City, NY), New York City's hit musical satire trio.
- Spookfish Theatre Company (New York City, NY)
- Stir Friday Night (Chicago, IL)
- Taco Flavored Egg Rolls (Chicago, IL)
- Taste Better Wit (San Francisco)
- Teada Productions (LA)
- MediaRites' Theatre Diaspora (Portland, OR)
- Theatre Esprit Asia (Boulder, CO)
- TF Productions (Vancouver, BC)
- Theatre Replacement (Vancouver, BC)
- Theater of the Yugen (San Francisco)
Eamail at yurikodoi@aol.com
- Vancouver Asian Canadian Theatre (Vancouver, BC)
- Wing Luke Museum (Seattle, WA)
- Yangtze Repertory Theatre of America (New York City, NY)
- YAWP (Young Asians With Power) (Chicago, IL)
- Youth for Asian Theatre (San Francisco, CA)
There is also the Singapore Repertory Theatre,
who frequently works with and hires Asian American
actors/writers/designers and produced a pre-Broadway run of David Henry
Hwang's Golden Child.
Groups Believed to be Inactive
- Alter Ego Productions (New York City, NY)
- Angel Island Theatre Company (Chicago, IL)
- Asia On Stage (Boston)
E-mail at aoscci@aol.com or AsiaOnStage@yahoo.com
- Asian American Theatre Project (Boston) Not currently active
- Asian Pacific Performing Artists Alliance (Las Vegas, NV)
- Asian Stories In American Theatre (Washington, DC)
- Asians Misbehavin' (Philadelphia, PA) sketch/spoken word group
- Boston Asian American Theatre Collaborative (Boston, MA)
- Canasian Artists Group (Toronto, Canada)
- Deep Yellow (Long Beach, CA)
- Diversity Players (Los Angeles, CA)
- Everything You Wanted to Know About Asian Men*
* (but didn't give a shit enough to ask)
LA-based Asian American men's group (Dan Kwong)
- Funky Fresh Pan-ethnic Asian Girls (touring)
an Asian American women's theatre troupe
- GAPA (Gay Asian Pacific Alliance) Theatre,
Based out of the Bay Area. See the GAPA web page.
- Hot Sauce Posse (Vancouver, BC) sketch comedy group
- i was born with two tongues (Chicago, IL)
- Inspire Entertainment (LA)
- JACCC (Japan America) Theatre (LA)
- Killer Geisha Go-Go Girls (New York City, NY)
- Kai Hsin Productions (San Francisco, CA)
Kaihsin (AT) aol.com or
azameworks (AT) earthlink.net
- LCC Productions (New York City, NY)
- lemon-ZA Theatre (Vancouver, BC)
Lodestone Theatre Ensemble (formerly known as Society of Heritage Performers) (Los Angeles, CA), founded by Soon Teck Oh
- Loud Mouth Asian Babes (Toronto, Canada)
Also connected with Theatre Passe Muraille
- Mango Tribe (it's hard to explain....) (Chicago, IL)
- MAYA, South Asian theatre group (Toronto, Canada)
email at mayatheatre@hotmail.com
- New WORLD Theater (Amherst, MA)
- Northwest Asian American Theatre (Seattle,WA)
- Peeling (New York City, NY)
- Pom Siab Hmoob Theatre (Hmong Theatre) (Minneapolis)
- QBD Ink. (Washington, DC)
- Quantum Theatre (LA, CA) non-traditional casting company
- R/Evolution Theatre Company (LA, CA)
- Revival Arts Productions (Hayward, CA) Filipino arts group
- Sining KilUSAn (Seattle)
- Sudden Enlightenment Theatre (New York City, NY) Korean American
- Teatro ng Tanan (Bay Area)
- Tongue In a Mood (Bay Area)
- Tsunami Theatre (Washington, DC)
Student Groups
In addition, there are a few student Asian American
theatres that come up and down, rather periodically, depending on the
inclinations of the current students:
- Stanford Asian American Theatre Project (founded by David Henry Hwang)
- Asian American Cooperative Theatre (at Wesleyan)
Careful; the link and page and active, but there's no follow up information there)
- Asian American Drama Club, UC Santa Barbara
Student contacts: Keang Ung (685-7708)
Advisor: Jachison Chan (893-8573)
- Asian American Playhouse (Cornell)
- Asian American Theatre Productions (Williams College)
- Descendants of the Monkey God (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor)
Current contact: Marvin Eng (313-741-9031)
- Entity, Northwestern University (Deborah Hsiann Teng)
- GENseng, State University of New York at Geneseo, Geneseo, NY 14454
Randy Kaplan, kaplanr@geneseo.edu
- Lapu, the coyote that Cares, UCLA's first Asian American theatre ensemble
e-mail at LCC@UCLA.EDU
- Moto Tsunami, University of Illinois
E-mail at e-kao@students.uiuc.edu
- Theatre Rice, at UC Berkeley (well, it took you guys long enough....)
(And you managed to stick Seattle in the Midwest....sigh....Cal weenies....)
Performance Artists
Asian American Theatre Artists on the web
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Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012
Roger W. Tang
Questions? Email
